was not justified to go to war with Mexico because of the U.S. stubbornly spreading their culture, in ignore of others. John O’Sullivan stated, “limiting our greatness and checking the fulfillment of our manifest destiny to overspread the continent allotted by Providence (God) for the free development of our yearly multiplying millions” (Doc. A). What this meant was in O’Sullivan’s point of view, other nations didn’t believe in manifest destiny. By multiplying millions, O’Sullivan meant that he wanted to force their culture onto immigrants coming to the U.S. John O’Sullivan also stated, “The Anglo Saxon foot is already on (California’s) borders… armed with the plough and the rifle, and marking its trail with schools and colleges, courts, and representative halls, mills, and meeting-houses… All this (will happen) in the natural flow of events” (Doc. A). What O’Sullivan meant was that he wants to spread/bring the United States’ culture, such as, education, democracy, and industry to new people as they move west. John O’Sullivan basically wanted the whole continent to be Protestant/Pro-Slavery and for everyone else to change their culture. The United States was being ignorant to other cultures. By the U.S. forcing their culture onto other cultures they were not just to go into war with
was not justified to go to war with Mexico because of the U.S. stubbornly spreading their culture, in ignore of others. John O’Sullivan stated, “limiting our greatness and checking the fulfillment of our manifest destiny to overspread the continent allotted by Providence (God) for the free development of our yearly multiplying millions” (Doc. A). What this meant was in O’Sullivan’s point of view, other nations didn’t believe in manifest destiny. By multiplying millions, O’Sullivan meant that he wanted to force their culture onto immigrants coming to the U.S. John O’Sullivan also stated, “The Anglo Saxon foot is already on (California’s) borders… armed with the plough and the rifle, and marking its trail with schools and colleges, courts, and representative halls, mills, and meeting-houses… All this (will happen) in the natural flow of events” (Doc. A). What O’Sullivan meant was that he wants to spread/bring the United States’ culture, such as, education, democracy, and industry to new people as they move west. John O’Sullivan basically wanted the whole continent to be Protestant/Pro-Slavery and for everyone else to change their culture. The United States was being ignorant to other cultures. By the U.S. forcing their culture onto other cultures they were not just to go into war with