EXPERIENCE OF MERINA Merina is an 18 year old girl who is a second year B.Com student. She is good in her studies and co-curricular activities. When Merina was eight years old, her mother started behaving weirdly and was diagnosed schizophrenic and has been confined in a rehabilitation center ever since. Since then Merina has been staying in one of her mother’s relative’s house. Merina has never seen her father. In fact, she does not know anything about her father. Her mother does not like to share anything about the father. Merina too did not insist her mother to say anything about the father as the mother’s mental condition was not normal by the time such questions could ever rise in the mind of young Merina. Never the less she was …show more content…
But that friendship was broken for a silly reason and I was left with no one as friends. Moreover, the things I had shared with my best friend about my mother and family was divulged by that girl and all started making fun of me. This disappointed me so much and that I thought that if I make friendship with others, the same circumstance would happen again. So I keep distance in my relationship with others”. She doesn’t find difficulty in keeping friendship with the boys. She says,
“I am not able to make friendship girls because they often ask about parents, siblings and family. I am not comfortable with such questions. Hence I try to avoid girls. But with boys I find it easy because boys do not much bother with your family matters”.
When the parents of the other students come to school, Merina has no one to come and this makes her sad. She says,
“During school functions, the parents of other students come but I do not have anyone to come to school. So I skip such programs and keep away from other students. I am from a bad family, and this thought always pulls me backward, not allowing me to mingle with others. This is indeed terribly …show more content…
At the beginning, she was poor in her studies; only after the mother was sent to Rehabilitation centre that she started studying well. She says, “I decided to study well after my mother had left. I got high grades in High School. I am aware that I am alone to save myself. So I worked hard and studied well. The thought that if I study well and secure a job in the future, I can I can look after my mother. That is the only way available for me. So I give more concentration in my studies”. Merina helps children who are poor in their studies. She teaches freely some students who are at her mother’s rehabilitation center. Even though it is a source of income she tries to help others and thus developed a social role which is accepted by the society. Merina tries to understand that she did not learn much during the time of her childhood because she had restrictions for so many things which were enjoyed by children of her age, who lived with their own families. So she developed the habit of reading to compensate the past. The students who receive Merina’s help have appreciation for her. In their opinion it is only because of her help that they could pass in their exams. Therefore they listen to her and obey her