2. What happens in the process of dying? Norms are plans of action or expected behavior patterns felt to be appropriate for a particular situation. Roles are plans of action specifying what should be done be persons who occupy particular social positions. Applied …show more content…
What is the cost of hospice care? Hospice care in 2008 was about $135 per day for a routine home care aide and $601 per day for general patient care to treat symptoms that are not manageable outside the hospital (Inglehart 2009). The primary cost of hospice is paid by medicare.
Chapter 7
1. What is the medical model approach to dying? The medical model in the United States is the idol that, when sick we go to a physician to get well. If terminally ill, however the doctor treats you he will not make you well again. Thus, dying does not fit the medical model of being made well- the death cannot make us well.
2. How are doctors and nurses educated on what to expect at end of life? Medical education has historically offered only limited assistance to medical students encountering death for the first time (Dickenson 2006). In an analysis of major medical text books (Carson, Lynn, & Keaney 1999) came to the conclusion that little was said about what to expect or how to care for people near death and dying courses in the united states increased from 9 in 1975 to 16 in 2005 (Dickenson 2006).
Chapter …show more content…
People commit suicide out sadness, dispersion, or grief or hopeless desperation alienation can make a person feel they are not valued or even wanted in this world, this can lead to hopelessness and a desire to take their own life. Altruistic is when a person feels that dying for a cause is noble and honorable for example flying an air craft into the twin towers killing themselves and taking hundreds of people with them. Anomic suicide a person becomes disillusioned with his life and feels what he or she grew up believing and the faith they once had has failed them. Copy-cat suicide happens when someone idealize another person who has taken their own life, this makes the person want to be with them. Fatalistic suicide is when a person feels overwhelmed with strict rules and pressures at home or in society they may feel that they cannot measure up to the demands and the decide to take their own life. Egoistic Suicide takes place when someone thinks that the world should revolve around them and what they want, when this does not happen they take their own life. The completion of suicide is when the act of trying to take your own life is successful. Karoshi is literally working yourself to death. Rational suicide is when know what you’re doing and still want to take your own life. Suicidal ideation is when in your own mind you think about suicide and may have unsuccessfully attempted suicide before, seeking attention through