Non Rational Suicide

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The subject of medical care has been a very controversial subject since the beginning of time, physician assisted suicide is no exception. Although not as temperamental as in previous decades, this subject tends to be mentioned in many heated professional and family of the terminally ill’s family arguments. This topic is so controversial because many people that are against assisted suicide religiously fuel their arguments, saying that no one should interfere with Gods decision as to when a person should die. Physicians and family members that are in favor of assisted suicide say that it is a compassionate way to allow people who are in pain and close to death, a proper alternative to their suffrage and alleviates health care debt. This …show more content…
Suicide comes in all different forms of complexity, the most prevalent include rational and non-rational. Rational suicide is different than regular suicide. Regular suicide (non-rational suicide) may be rationally intelligible, but it is not a rationally competent decision base, and the individual most likely is not cognitively intact. The individual is reacting to numerous personal, emotional, and medical factors. (Tomasini, 104) Non-rational suicide is defined as intentionally taking one’s own life. Rational suicide per se is not only competently chosen but also aligns to long-term values and interests that are in accord with a notion of a good life. (Tomasini, 104) Herein lies society’s dilemma; is the person that is contemplating suicide competent, making a dignified and humane decision or …show more content…
One of the most common therapies is Palliative Sedation. In palliative sedation therapy, symptom relief is achieved by lessening the pain or eliminating the consciousness of the patient. One of the most common methods to provide palliative care, is through the use of drugs. The drugs that are often used are analgesics and barbiturates. Barbiturates act on the central nervous system by causing drowsiness, relieving everyday anxiety, and make people feel relaxed and calm. Analgesics relieve pain and its associated symptoms without causing anesthesia. Many types of palliative sedation therapies are typically distinguished by the impact they have on the patient’s state of consciousness. (Lipuma, 191) Many people choose a more comfortable alternative to spending their final months in a hospital and choose hospice to provide the special care to improve their quality of life for themselves and their family. Hospice is an option for those whose life expectancy is less than six months and involves palliative care (symptom and pain relief). In many cases, a patient has Hospice care in their own home. . Palliative care and hospice are one form of providing care to a terminally ill patient while they live out their remaining days without pain and suffering. A more in depth form of palliative care is Continuous Sedation until Death (CSD). Continuous sedation until death is

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