Stereotypes are generalizations or assumptions that people make about a group of people, based on an image about what people in that group are really like. “The media plays a prominent role in shaping public perception of foreign countries, and such stereotypes of Haiti can often be found across the spectrum of the U.S. media, according to UConn professor of public policy Thomas Craemer. This is a problem, he says, not only because those epithets can paint a misleading picture, but because they can also affect how American citizens and government’s act. I think there is a chance that these stereotypes can affect foreign aid and foreign policy,” Craemer says. Yes, Haiti as some bad parts like some countries in the USA, there is no such thing as a perfect country. Haiti is full of beautiful beaches and providences, many people go to Haiti for a month and return as a whole different person. Most of the time when someone discovers that a Haitian is in the medical field they are shocked and ask themselves how could it …show more content…
Haiti is filled with beautiful stores, hotels, provinces, movie theaters and many more. I dislike how people think we speak “Haitian”. For the ones who doesn’t know, our main language is French and Haitian Creole. When people find out we have all these buildings they act shocked and start asking questions. “Where did they find the money? Did they steal it? How could they afford it? I thought Haiti was poor!” That is where they are wrong, the journalist/ reporters in the United States always show the negative parts in a country and never the positive sides. They always wonder why Haitians are always near Boston, New York, Miami, Georgia, most of the time people think they can’t travel since they might have a green card. After the earthquake when I came back from Haiti, the students at the school in Michigan asked me how I got there. Did I have a green card? Yes it hurts how they think that way but it’s the way they talk about the country on the news and magazine and I can’t blame them since that’s the way the news described