On 11-21-15, Cann McMillin reported that an unknown female suspect had entered her residence on 11-21-15, while she was home, and took a laptop computer, which belonged to a guest of McMillin's, Hayley Pierce. Pierce, who was also home at the time, saw the suspect run out of the residence. Pierce described the suspect to another guest at the residence, Stephanie Peters, who believed that the suspect resembled a female passenger in the "Uber" car she had used to arrive at the residence earlier in the evening. Using information from the "Uber" application, possible suspect information was developed.
Possible latent fingerprints were collected from the exit point and placed into evidence. Video coverage of the front door of the …show more content…
She did not know if the door had been open or closed, or if it had been locked before the suspect ran out.
Pierce described the suspect as a light-skinned white female, approximately 30-35 years old, with dark hair pulled back in a ponytail. She was wearing dark pants and a dark jacket. Pierce said she thought she would "probably" recognize the suspect if she saw her again.
When Pierce described the suspect to the other women at the house, Stephanie Peters said she thought the suspect description resembled the passenger in the "Uber" car that she had taken to get to the residence.
Pierce did not know the serial number for the laptop, and did not think there was any tracking device on it. She estimated the value of the laptop at $2000.00.
After I spoke to Pierce, I spoke to Cann McMillin who provided the following statement:
McMillin said she had not seen the suspect inside the house. She looked through the house and said nothing else was missing and nothing else appeared to have been tampered …show more content…
The female passenger in the cab was introduced to her as the ex-wife of the driver. When Pierce described the suspect from the burglary, Peters realized that the description matched that of the passenger in the "Uber" cab.
Peters did not see the suspect inside the house, but said she would recognize the female from the "Uber" cab, and additionally she remembered that both the driver and the passenger in the "Uber" cab had remarked on how nice the house on Sleepy Creek Road was.
After I spoke to Peters, I checked the exit point for latent fingerprints and located possible latent prints on the door handle and glass.
I noticed that the glass portion of the exterior door was very clean, with no smudges or dirt anywhere but around the door handle. I collected three possible latent fingerprints cards from the interior glass portion of the exterior door, and four cards were collected from the door handles on the exterior door
McMillin showed me a closet door in the study, which was partially opened, and said she thought the suspect may have opened the door since it was almost always closed. I checked the door handle to the closet and collected possible latent prints from the handle. In total, one card was collected from the closet door