2. Handprint on car Collection of item: I would apply powder to the location of the handprint and then I would lift it with a broad piece of adhesive tape. I would place the tape on a properly labeled card that provides a good background contrast with the powered. Processing of item: Digital imagining can be used to enhance the picture of the print. Then they can use the compare function and compare two images side by side to detect common features on both images.
3. Note in wallet Collection of item: I would put the note into a paper container to transport it to a questioned document examiner. Processing of item: The questioned document examiner would obtain a collection of exemplars from the suspect to compare the question document’s handwriting to the handwriting of the suspect. 4. Knife Collection of item: I would wear disposable gloves to place the knife in a paper bag or envelope. The sharp point and the blade should be wrapped in a stiff unmovable cardboard. I would properly label the container to warn that the contents are sharp. Processing of item: A forensics analyst would take the blood that is on the knife and conduct tests to prove it is Casey’s blood. This will also help the analyst determine whose blood belongs to whom. 5. Towel Collection of item: I would wear disposable latex gloves to packaged the blood stained towel into a plastic or airtight container. I would store it in a cool location until it was delivered to the laboratory. Processing of item: 6. Pieces of hair Collection of item: I would carefully package the pieces of hair into a paper packet and then place it into an envelope to be delivered to the lab Processing of item: A comparison microscope would be used to compare the morphological characteristics of the hair. They would look to match the color, length, and diameter to the suspect. 7. Footprint Collection of item: I would make the room as dark as possible. Then I would use a white light to locate the print. I would take a photograph of the shoe print …show more content…
I would store the evidence in a cool location until it was delivered to the laboratory. Processing of item: Digital imagining can be used to enhance the picture of the print. Then they can use the compare function and compare two images side by side to detect common features on both images.
9. Blood splatter Collection of item: I would remove the dried blood from the surface by using a sterile cotton swab that is lightly moistened with distilled water that is air dried before being placed in a swab box, then I would place it into a paper or manilla envelope. I would store the evidence in a cool location until it was delivered to the laboratory. Processing of item: The analyst will study the mixed blood and through DNA testing he or she should be able to identify who’s blood belongs to whom
10. Body Collection of item: I would take pictures of the body and write a documentation of evidence on the body. I would then secure the person’s hands and fit in paper