Mate Selection

Improved Essays
Human beings and animals are clearly different. Dating and mate selection are one of the most important elements of human and animals, but the difference between humans and animals are that humans can share their emotions and feelings before expressing their will. Before choosing a spouse, there are many factors that people consider important according to their standards. Human reproduction is an instinctive aspect, but people do not choose any random one because dating and marriage affect the quality of life of individuals according to their choice of spouse. “The top three categories of adjective/descriptions listed by the males for what characteristics they wanted in a partner were looks/attractiveness, caring/loving, and intelligence. For …show more content…
Clearly this behavior may be that women were evaluating men to get confident, but as mentioned earlier, this behavior is women were judging men as an act of instinct to determine that which men are capable and able to protect and support his family and children. The first impression among men and women is also important, but the interesting fact was that the more the repetitive show courtship towards woman, a man can change and win woman’s love. The difference between men and women in this part, on average, was men were trying to win women’s interest and love from a woman that they decided from the beginning, but the women have shown that they were constantly observing and rethinking over and over about which man is …show more content…
However, this video was a great record as a resource to find out how dating and mate selection are different between men and women and what they have in common. There were many distinct differences between men and women, for example, when they were introducing themselves, women tend to introduce them their personality or age rather than external factors, and on the contrary, men put economic strengths such as work, education or wealth as merits. The common factor between men and women in this experiment is that the same time men and women spent together in the same place, they put priority on sharing emotional, cognitive relationship, and intelligent element unlike first impressions such as age, wealth, education and jobs. It was a great way to study the differences and common in human dating and mate selection through this video, but this video had few limits, for example, there were very few groups of participants and it was hard to compare and analyze various results by focusing on only a few couple. Even the video only includes the results of isolated group of people in the end rather than showing all the processes from each group of

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