Martin is an American sitcom that aired for five seasons on Fox from August 27, 1992 to May 1, 1997. Reflecting the rising popularity of the Fox network throughout the 1990s. Set in Detroit, the series stars Martin Lawrence in the role of Martin Payne, a jockey with a girlfriend named Gina Waters. As the series progressed, plotlines saw Martin eventually move on to become the host of the talk show Word on the Street, which aired on the small Detroit public-access television station Channel 51. He retained this position until the series' final episode, in which he and Gina prepared to move to Los Angeles, from where his show would be syndicated nationally. Martin is a show that can make …show more content…
“ House keeper out of hell” With both Martin and Gina working, they decide to hire a maid. Martin hires a maid that he likes, but when Gina sees her, she fires her. Then Gina hires a male housekeeper, and Martin doesn't like him. They eventually settle on Miss Minnie, a nice older motherly woman on the outside, but makes their lives unlivable with her domineering ways. In another episode Thanksgiving dinner ends up a battle of the sexes when the gang holds a contest to see which gender cooks the best Thanksgiving feast. It only takes a short time for the guys to realize they are over matched, so they resort to some sneaky tactics to win the …show more content…
The 70's sitcom "What's Happening!!" is the only other show that comes close. When you watch a comedy show, it is common to smile, chuckle, or laugh - but when you watch "Martin", particularly the first two to three seasons, you find yourself laughing so hard it hurts. This is a laugh out loud and stomp your feet show thanks to a brilliant comic talent - Martin Lawrence. show have said they "don't get it" and that the rapid fire urban cultural references fly over their heads. I say, exactly. This show is clever and sharp. " "Martin" is full flavored, A show that will always cause you to laugh. To call it hilarious would not be doing it justice at all,it is simply the "bomb" . Classic characters that Martin Lawrence play makes the show worth