Satire In How To Keep From Getting Mugged By D. Keith Mano

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Satire Satire or the use of humor, irony, or exaggeration to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices is used in many types of stories to entertain the reader in a fun way. There are many different stories that do this by not even talking about it. Authors can do this by saying jokes all throughout a story and they don’t even mention their jokes. This is one of the best ways to make a story because laughter is one of the best feelings. One of the main things an author strives for is to make their readers feel some type of emotion by only reading words on paper. For example, three stories that successfully do this are Independence Day by Dave Barry, The Plot Against People by Russell Baker, and How to Keep from Getting Mugged by D. Keith Mano. These three authors use multiple types of …show more content…
Keith Mano. Now, although this is a very short article, Keith had no problem indicating his intention to make a satire story. Keith asserts “Sing aloud. Mutter a lot. Preach Jesus. Interrogate yourself…. They don’t like to attack loony people” (page 166). Not only does Mano use a comedic stereotype of loony people, but he goes into description about what to say. However, he does make a point, most people won’t mug crazy people because you never know what they’re capable of, but the way he stated it made it funny while getting his point across. Keith also communicates, “Sure, you make walk past the place you’re headed for, but, shees, no system is perfect” (page 166). In this sentence Mano successfully makes a joke by explaining that his system to get you out of a bad situation can put you in another situation that is not as bad. He also adds a comedic moment when he states “shees”, this is clearly not an actual word, however, it is a sound that most kids use when they are feeling nagged or forced to do something just like in every movie

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