One of the 4 lines of efforts discusses the need of “Adjusting our Forward Posture”. As stated in Expeditionary Force 21, “Expeditionary Force 21 envisions a posture in which one-third of the Marine Corps’ operating forces will be persistently positioned forward, with a greater variety of unit types distributed appropriately across areas of command responsibility”. …show more content…
By adjusting the amount of operating forces forward and spreading those force throughout the different Areas of Operation (AOs), the GCCs in those areas have more flexibility of how to use those forces. Not only is there an increase in threats popping up, but the need for humanitarian assistance due to natural disasters is becoming a bigger issue. Giving a GCC more assets gives him the capability to employ those forward forces as he sees fit based on the situation within his AO. In order to be able to position more forces forward, the Marine Expeditionary Units (MEUs) will need to work with the Navy evolve how they will be transporting the Marines and their assets to these forward posture positions. Another line of effort that was discussed is “Enhancing Littoral Maneuver Capability”. Being able to enhance our maneuver capabilities through littorals will increase our ability to respond to crisis situations. The MEU will help the response by being able to provide both air and surface assets, closer …show more content…
As stated in Expeditionary Force 21, “Operating in the littoral environment demands a Marine Corps with the maneuver options in permissive, uncertain and hostile environments”. Over the years the naval service as a whole has evolved with the addition of transporting Marines from the ship to the shore via boats and helicopters. MEUs will need to keep evolving their ships capabilities by changing the landing craft available and how they are stored on the different ships. With the addition of the newest LHA being without a well-deck, the MEUs have to adjust by finding boat space for the landing craft on other ships. The good thing about the new LHA is it has the capability to carry more aircraft, meaning it can get those aircraft closer to the operation which then requires less fuel and is faster.
Probably one of the biggest focus areas that needs evolving is the “Cyberspace and the Electromagnetic Spectrum”. Cyberspace is one of the newest technologies we have to look out for and start protecting. We need to be able to understand how cyberspace supports objectives in all domains, not just the one we are operating in. Cyberspace and the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) can also increase situational awareness for the MEUs that are forward deployed. Operations and doctrine must evolve to include using the forward deployed MEUs to conduct crisis response with the help of cyberspace and