Major Conflicts In John Steinbeck's 'Of Mice And Men'

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1. What was the major conflict of the play?
The major conflict in the play is that Lennie as the mind of a small innocent child although he is an adult. Therefore when he has made mistakes he gets treated as an adult would since he is physically and adult but mentally a child.
2. Which character had the most interesting objectives? What obstacles did he/she encounter? What was his/her action (tactic) to overcome those obstacles?
In my opinion, the character with the most interesting objectives was George. He wanted to give him and Lennie a better lifestyle where they could work with each other on their own land and not work on someone else's land anymore; but the major obstacle was Lennie’s innocence and unawareness getting him into trouble constantly. George’s tactic to overcome the obstacles included asking Lennie to not speak and just let him do the talking, as well as moving towns to get Lennie out of trouble. 3. What were the pivotal scenes of the play that showed that character either achieving that goal or failing? The scenes that showed that the character was failing his goal was when Lennie accidentally killed the puppy, then Lennie went on from killing a puppy accidentally killing Curly’s wife. In a sense it related back to the first time Lennie got in trouble when he touched a girls red dress and was accused of rape. Because of that false accusation, Lennie was going to get lynched but George saved him by moving towns. However, the second time when Lennie touched Curly’s wife’s hair and ended up killing her, George’s only way of “saving” him from all the emotional stress and from spending the rest of life in jail or being cruelly shot was by George shooting Lennie himself. George did so in a way that Lennie didn't suffer and instead died happy thinking he would have his own farm with rabbits. 20 Point Questions ~ About the Performance 4. What do you think were the biggest challenges the performers (not the characters) had to face? I believe that the biggest challenges the performers faced was the fact that they had a limited access to accessories to
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Not to mention, that when they where pretending to look at rivers, hills and quite outdoors they were actually looking a bunch of strangers right in front of them just staring right at them. These performers are not like actors in movies where if a mistake is made they just cut the scene and retake it until they get it right; these performers have one shot at getting the lines right and not making mistakes when acting out the play.
5. What character could you see yourself playing? Why?
I would see myself playing Candy’s character since he has such a close bond with Archimedes his dog. I really felt his pain and felt his sadness when they took his dog away from him. He had that dog since he was a puppy, that dog was like his baby, his best friend, his loyal companion and it was snatched away and killed against his will. I would really be able to get in this characters shoes and play it well since I honestly did feel heart broken when they took Archimedes away from him.
6. Who was your favorite performer?

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