Lennie's mental disability is obvious and shows how little is known about mental disability and how people with mental disabilities are treated in the settings. Lennie’s strength in size and power with the simpleness of his mind make Lennie a ticking bomb. The littlest things could make Lennie snap at anytime, and since he doesn't know his true strength he becomes very dangerous and has the potential to kill people. For example when Lennie was petting Curley's wife's hair and she yelled at him to stop, he became frightened and “closed on her hair and hung on...Lennie's other hand closed over her mouth and
Lennie's mental disability is obvious and shows how little is known about mental disability and how people with mental disabilities are treated in the settings. Lennie’s strength in size and power with the simpleness of his mind make Lennie a ticking bomb. The littlest things could make Lennie snap at anytime, and since he doesn't know his true strength he becomes very dangerous and has the potential to kill people. For example when Lennie was petting Curley's wife's hair and she yelled at him to stop, he became frightened and “closed on her hair and hung on...Lennie's other hand closed over her mouth and