T. Anderson displays the impact technology has on humans in his allegorical novel feed by utilizing prototypical characterization, peculiar formating, and depressing setting to unveil the damage technology does to our …show more content…
T. Anderson begins to display his perspective on technology right away by characterizing Titus much like the modern teen, to show the control it has over our brain. Anderson characterizes Titus as a cocky, immature young man, that loves to hang out with friend and have fun. Titus uses immense slang in all of his conversation, so when someone talks normal, he finds it hard to understand because he has been influenced by the feed’s shows to talk with slang which gives readers the impression that Titus had the intellect of a toddler. However, today many of us do the same thing while texting, shortening word such as you to the simple letter U only because society had acted this way, so we follow, like a flock of sheep follow their shepherd and like how Titus follows this way of speech that technology had presented to him. Anderson slips in the another role that technology has taken over in our brain while Titus describes Violet as a sexy girl while he watches her drink her juice and “Her spine was like…? The feed suggested ‘supple’.” finishing his sentence for him, taking over the though process the brain undergoes to find the perfect word (Anderson 14). With that line Anderson also displays Titus’s dependence on the feed to the point in which it has to finish his sentences for him. M. T. Anderson’s unpleasantly realistic characterization of Titus exposes the way technology inhibits human development, but Anderson presents us with this truth more than once to drive his