From February 1864 until the end of the Civil War in April 1865, Andersonville Prison was a Confederate military prison where captured Union soldiers were being held. Andersonville Prison, the most famous military prison during the Civil War, left a mark on the South and should not be forgotten. Andersonville as a field with a log stockade bordering it and a stream intersected it, which served the prisoners both a sanitation system and water supply (Thomason). The stream soon became polluted with human waste over the months and it was the prisoner's main source of drinking water. The prisoners experienced many diseases and illnesses like respiratory diseases, diarrhea, and scurvy.…
During the Civil War, Johnson’s Island was used by the Union as a prison for Confederate soldiers. Johnson’s Island Prison was built in 1862 in the Sandusky Bay of Lake Erie. The island was used as a prison because it was hard to escape and was built near transportation systems which made it easy to get supplies/people to and from the prison. Conditions at Johnson’s Island was not as harsh as other prisons of the Civil War. Some believe this is because the island housed mainly officers as prisoners.…
The Wabash County Jail has the ability to hold 72 inmates. They are currently holding 96 inmates. The Wabash County Jail has also transferred 50 inmates to the Miami County Jail and 5 inmates to…
Texas’s’ Prison Industrial Complex • Introduction The prison industrial complex can be defined as the rapid expansion of the inmate population to the political influence of private prison companies and businesses that supply goods and services to government prison agencies. This is not a new phenomenon in our countries history, however, in recent decades the exponential growth of the inmate population in Texas and at a national scale signifies a disturbing trend. As prisons proliferate in U.S. society, private capital has become enmeshed in the prison industry. This is precisely because of the profit potential, prisons are becoming increasingly important to the U.S. economy.…
In Martin Luther King, Jr.'s “Letter to Birmingham Jail,” he uses imagery to further his point of the negative effects of segregation. For instance, King states that you can see, “...the tears welling up in her little eyes…” when he tells a story about how a colored girl couldn't go to an amusement park because it was only for white people. This use of imagery helps the readers see the little girl, recognize the injustice, and feel the girl's pain and curiosity. Similarly, Dr. King also says you can see the “...hate filled policemen curse, kick, brutalize, and even kill your black brothers and sisters with impunity.” Thus, the reader can visualize the physical abuse to negro people as a result of segregation.…
Hello guys, Our direction is going to head to Mass Incarceration & Black, Blown Females & Community (including family) [The mass incarceration of black and brown women has devastating and lasting impacts on their communities.] might also considering Policing of women Domestic violence abuse Sex work Drug use The reason why chose Mass Incarceration & Black, Blown Females & Community : Fastest growing the U.S prison population Often acting as head of household Strongly affects family, children, and men How/ where we can find the artists Open call: Using Web/ Pages…
The Literary Techniques of MLK On April 19, 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. wrote an open letter to eight clergymen who questioned his involvement in non-violent protests in Birmingham, Alabama. The Letter of Birmingham Jail brilliantly appeals to both the clergymen and a broader audience. King masterfully uses strategies such as narrating, exemplifying and comparing-contrasting.…
Our criminal justice class took a trip to the Huntington and Wabash county jail this week. I was very excited to go on these trips since I had never actually got the opportunity to go into the main parts of the jail before. I was intrigued to learn more information about the jails and how they operate. To my surprise, there were many differences and similarities between the two jails.…
Mentally Ill Prisoners South Carolina mental health state hospital had to close their doors due to limited funding in the state budget to keep the facility open. As a result, some of the patients were transitioned into a short term area mental health hospital and they were later released into the communities. Some of the patients did poorly when transitioned into the communities and were later found to be trouble with the judicial system. They would go out and commit crimes such as trespassing, public intoxication, or robbing the thrift store.…
The crisis of mass incarceration is not felt evenly in the United States, race defines every aspect of the criminal justice system, from police targeting, to crimes charged, and rates of conviction. More Black men are in prison or jail, on probation or parole than were enslaved in 1850, before the Civil War began. Prison labor has its roots in slavery. After the 1861-1865 Civil War, a system of hiring out prisoners was introduced in order to continue the slavery tradition.…
One of the most impressive situations that I found the United States is the one regarding the massive incarceration of the African American population. Because of this, I decided to do some research to understand the origins of this situation and its consequences for the African American communities. As I acknowledge the fact that racism has operated as a systemic concept that has affected the life trajectories of the ethnic minorities, and specifically, the African Americans, this situation and its evolution surprised me and attracted my attention.…
Tyra Thomas Professor Holder December 6, 2016 African Studies Mass Incarceration Many believe that slavery didn’t end in 1865, rather it was reformed. We can look at slavery and how African labor was exploited and the harsh conditions they were under to perform this labor for the white men. After the exploitation of Africans in Slavery there was Segregation, which existed solely to separate races due to nothing more than the color of your skin. Race something that is social constructed and has nothing to back it up, but society has instilled this thought as one being superior due to skin color.…
In the United States, prison overcrowding has reached a crisis level as it becomes ubiquitous and continues to show no sign of abating within the foreseeable future. Courts in the country continue to sentence criminal offenders to serve various prison terms and fail to utilize various sentencing alternatives thus sustaining the problem. The problem has escalated in the last thirty years thus turning into a crisis. Between 1970 and 2005 for example, the inmate population in the country grew by 700% and has continued on an…
The video also talked about how a few states (Pennsylvania) was bribing officials to get the empty bunks filled. They were doing it in an illegal way, just locking up pretty much anyone; no matter how old or young your were. I found a website, (Hamilton Project). that stated private prisons cost the state an average of $46.50 per prisoner per day in 2012; public facilities ranged from $35.11 to $40.47. So they show that public prisons are cheaper, but really they are the same.…
Prisoners may face misconduct and possible effects on prison management, psychological consequences, an effect on the jail population dynamics, as well as high rates of prison violence among inmates and staff. In order to help improve the overcrowding of prisons a development of a “10-point plan to reduce prison overcrowding” (Penal Reform International) was constructed. The plan was constructed in order to help provide direction to policy-makers on how they can address this situation and ease its harmful consequences. The steps include 1.…