• Greater portion of incarceration larger than the court imposed prison sentence.
Prison Overcrowding, not only affects an inmate as well as the facility before incarceration but it also puts a strain on problems, which occur inside the facilities. Inmates face Double- Ceiling, which requires an inmate to have a certain amount of space. Overcrowding has been found to be potentially curl and unusual punishment. Prisoners may face misconduct and possible effects on prison management, psychological consequences, an effect on the jail population dynamics, as well as high rates of prison violence among inmates and staff.
In order to help improve the overcrowding of prisons a development of a “10-point plan to reduce prison overcrowding” (Penal Reform International) was constructed. The plan was constructed in order to help provide direction to policy-makers on how they can address this situation and ease its harmful consequences. The steps include
1. Collect and use data to inform a rational, humane, and cost-effective use of prison.
2. Review and reform the criminal justice process as a whole from arrest to release and invest in crime prevention and