Mass Incarceration Research Paper

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One of the most impressive situations that I found the United States is the one regarding the massive incarceration of the African American population. Because of this, I decided to do some research to understand the origins of this situation and its consequences for the African American communities.
As I acknowledge the fact that racism has operated as a systemic concept that has affected the life trajectories of the ethnic minorities, and specifically, the African Americans, this situation and its evolution surprised me and attracted my attention.
Despite some people believe that mass incarceration is a problem generated recently, while doing some of my courses I was able to understand that mass incarceration was designed and maintained as a new form to perpetuate old forms of domination and mistreatment.
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Oshinsky, which focuses on the critical conditions that the African Americans faced due to their incarceration in post slavery era, and made me realize that this problem was originated a while ago.
The first time reference that I want to make to understand mass incarceration is 1865, the year in which the thirteen amendment was approved. This amendment declared the official end of slavery, but contained a texted that allowed the states to hold a person in forced forms of labor in case they were punished for a crime they committed.
Because of this, the second time reference is 1875, a date in which the Leasing act was formally establish in some states. The leasing act was, in my opinion, a modern form of slavery, which legalized the forced labor of the convicts in favor of the states.
These events had negative consequences for the lives of African Americans, since the states had a perfect excuse to criminalize them and convict them for crimes, based on the prejudices and the social images that they had about

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