Peggy became a wife, a caretaker, learned to live with PTSD. PTSD after WWII was not as socially accepted as it was so new and scary to people. Mother had to adjust to father who was struggling with the guilt of missing his children’s childhood and watching the new roles of dominance in his household. He had a new problem with drinking. Mother tried to be supportive and calm.
These men had lived under military expectations for so long that it was hard for them to live in a slower paced world not getting the same respect they used too. This movie shines light on the daily lives of standard changes. People went about their daily lives creating new standards and normal as best they could to adjust to their new lives they are trying to figure out how to live.
Another example of change after the war is shown in the film The 1958 film Peyton Place is a film about a small New England town. Allison a high schooler narrates. She is a curious, smart girl who achieves valedictorian of her class. The film starts out as the students are getting ready for graduation. Love is in the air, her classmates asking each other to the senior dance. Allison lives with her single, independent mother Connie, business owner of a downtown dress shop. She had left Peyton Place when she was young, for New York to start a new life, until she had Allison, and her husband died. She moved back to her hometown to raise her daughter …show more content…
Everyone felt awful and she was proved innocent and her boyfriend and brother all came running to hug her. Allison reunited with her mother and Norman.
This film portrays families that are trying to live normal lives, but struggling with the changing ideas, of their children growing up. A world they once knew turned upside down after the war, bringing forgiveness and cultural change. Sophisticated women are respected if they have money and an education and looked down upon if not. If the women are flashy she is looked at as deviant. Rumors and reputation are shown as strong indicators of why societal norms are held at such a high standard. Decisions are met with the number one question of what people will think. The war brought the families together in the end, after much lies and deceits, showing that they had seen a greater pain than, the silly rules they had set up for themselves. The film showed the character’s attitudes from carefree to adjusting to long years of loss, creating a new lifestyle they hadn’t seen