The exposed rock material has a visible reverse fault, and is heavy faulted/folded. Visible soil, and vegetation growth on exposed section of the formation. Visible iron oxide staining from fractures in the section both natural, and manmade. Alternating material layers light grey to dark grey in the formation, and thick bands. 0 to 3feet of the section is composed of light grey, and soft material. The bottom facie was a small section of laminated layered shale. 3 feet to 6 feet of the exposed rock section fine to medium grained, dark grey rippled sandstone facie. The rippled sandstone may be contributed to the receding and progression of tides. The sandstone facie is cross-bedded. This layer contains some siltstone, and thin layer of conglomerate. Palo-environment of the Lock Haven formation is a warm environment, and ocean environment. Marine environment trace fossils; shell impressions. 10 feet to the top of the exposed formation is a mudstone facie. Top facies is covered by
The exposed rock material has a visible reverse fault, and is heavy faulted/folded. Visible soil, and vegetation growth on exposed section of the formation. Visible iron oxide staining from fractures in the section both natural, and manmade. Alternating material layers light grey to dark grey in the formation, and thick bands. 0 to 3feet of the section is composed of light grey, and soft material. The bottom facie was a small section of laminated layered shale. 3 feet to 6 feet of the exposed rock section fine to medium grained, dark grey rippled sandstone facie. The rippled sandstone may be contributed to the receding and progression of tides. The sandstone facie is cross-bedded. This layer contains some siltstone, and thin layer of conglomerate. Palo-environment of the Lock Haven formation is a warm environment, and ocean environment. Marine environment trace fossils; shell impressions. 10 feet to the top of the exposed formation is a mudstone facie. Top facies is covered by