James W. Loewen's Lies My Teacher Told Me

Superior Essays
Thesis: This kind of exceptionalism is what is being taught to students throughout the nation and is having a negative effect on both the ability to learn as well as the ability to comprehend US history.
1. Introduction of flawed educational system
a. Flaunting American Lifestyle
b. Future Generations
c. Inaccurate version of US history
2. Problems of flawed system
a. Global reputation at risk
b. Role in politics
c. Valued as priority
3. Effect on nation
a. Nationwide dilemma
b. Varies throughout states
c. Future of US education
4. Lies My Teacher Told Me
a. Tool for understanding reform
b. Reasoning
c. Exceptionalism quote
5. Conclusion
a. Effect on students
b. Effect on future of the nation and global standards
Nick Palatucci
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Loewen’s Lies My Teacher Told Me is a vital piece in understanding the negatives of American exceptionalism on students throughout the nation as well as developing an opinion on educational reform. Within his book, Loewen reveals various “fact versus fiction” instances of American History allowing the reader to discover how they have been manipulated since a very young age into believing the “super hero” alter ego of the US and it’s historical figures. Some of these figures include George Washington, Woodrow Wilson, Abraham Lincoln, and other significant American icons. In his introduction, Loewen states “Not understanding their past renders many Americans incapable of thinking effectively about our present and future.” ¹ This statement …show more content…
Teaching exceptionalism throughout the year as a perspective of American history permits students to understand that the concept of exceptionalism has a story of its own, a story that has been prevailing longer than the creation of the United States of America. It is the duty of educators to help students distinguish themselves from the concepts and ideals of exceptionalism, to expose the exceptionalist and assist in answering questions of America’s courage, global reputation, dedication judgment and integrity. These are questions that Americans must answer as individuals, and then as a nation. The place to begin this conversation is quite simply the grammar school classroom, so that students become more engaged with the themes of exceptionalism and work to create their own opinions and critical thinking skills through evidence based research and

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