As a young child, Johnson was involved in hockey. “Well I know I could skate before I could ride a two wheel bike, which is kind of backwards, that you can get around on a pair of blades...but not a two wheeled bike,” said Johnson. At the age of 13 he began referring mite hockey games and he continues to ref games today.
Johnson began coaching because he wanted to be like his dad, who was a band director. He also wanted to give back to the sport that he loved. Initially, he did not want to coach girls hockey. After some convincing by a few of his friends Johnson took the job as LDC’s girls head varsity coach. …show more content…
“It was a unique coaching girls, especially back when I took over the program,” said Johnson.
The girls program was not developed like the boys was; there was only one girls team at the youth level when he took over the program. “One of my goals was to try and get a girls team at every age level and by the time I left we had that,” said Johnson. There was even two different teams at two of the levels.
Johnson said he also wanted to get younger girls involved in hockey. To do this, a girls-only mite program was started which was a big step for girls hockey. These teams brought girls ranging from ages four to eight into the