Some charter schools do very well, and on average they do better at educating poor students from low income families. The level of self governing given to charter schools has made it possible for charter school educators to work effectively in educating English language learners and Latinos. In public school everything is usually taught in English but the educator in the charter school uses native language instruction programs to assist them in learning. Latinos are growing and will continually grow in this nation’s school aged population. By the year of 2050, they are expected to grow by 166 percent.…
Migrates from Latin and Central America travel to the US in search of job opportunities, but most lack an adequate education that provides them with critical skills needed in the workplace. The risks most Latino migrants take are in the hopes of achieving a stable life free of financial burden or poverty. However, in most cases education because a deciding factor in the success of individuals in the labor force. Since the Plyer vs Doe case granting education to immigrants, attainment has increasingly become a topic of interest for many communities. Disputes ranging from the expenditures of the state’s budget and the use of resources that should belong to US natives, are the main responses to their presence in the educational system.…
Adolescents live in tumultuous times. School shootings, cyber bullying, drugs, and violence have become all too normal in today’s society. Recent news have shown of many adolescents and young adults committing violent crimes. As a result of this some adolescents end up spending their lives in prison for mistakes they have made. To avoid making common mistakes, adolescents need the assistance of their parents.…
Hi Ms. Bruner, I am looking to build a future education at Bauer College of Business, and you are someone whose guidance I would value. If you area willing to, I would appreciate if you could answer some or all of my questions and confusions below pertaining to my chances of being accepted into the college. I would like to start off with a bit of my background. As a first generation college student, I had struggled with balancing school and work while attending the University of Texas at Austin. A major factor that affected me were that my asian immigrant parents needed my help to keep their small business running to pay the bills.…
Throughout middle school, I was in various Academic UIL activities and I have always been an Honor Roll student, leading to tens of awards and medals. Once I hit freshman year, I was elected a class officer and was voted onto the Devine High School Student Council. I have been involved in many activities with the school, including drama and academic UIL, where I, individually, and we, as a team, have since advanced to Regional level competitions. In the fall of 2015, I was inducted into the National Honor Society and I continue to help the community when I can. I am currently VP of Parliamentary Law with Devine FCCLA, after being President my junior year, and I am also taking a journey to state with my 1st place regional project “Dry Bones Alive Foundation” in the category of Entrepreneurship.…
The Latino population has been one of the fastest growing ethnic groups in the past decades, with an estimate of approximately 60 million Latinos living in the United States. Additionally, the number of Latinos enrolled in schools or colleges have also widened. However, despite the outstanding increase of Latinos enrolled in schools and college, there is one important issue most people ignore, Latinos face an educational crisis that is caused by a number of reasons including economic, social, and environmental influences. Latinos nationally have lower grades and standardized tests than their peers throughout the course of their education.…
The assimilation of habits, language, and morals of the people, who surround you, make who you become. I may have grown up with separated parents but both hardworking. Born in California but raised a Texan. Most do not know their neighbors but mine have become family. Beyond this town is a mystery to me but I am glad to call San Juan, my home.…
1. Yes, I have completed high school that was racially or ethnically diverse. I graduated from Seattle high school. Washington, Seattle has a student from different countries and it is very diverse.…
To explain, Thompson has identified many possible factors that can be of influence to the Hispanic/Latino underdevelopment in education; she finds that families of these students might be unconvinced of the benefits of achieving a higher education (as cited in Brown pg. 102). Thompson then goes on to quote Tensie Cadenas, who states, “They come from a culture where often education is not as much of a priority” (as qtd. in Brown pg. 102) . Therefore, the culture of a Hispanic/Latino student can cause many obstacles; according to Alan V. Brown, a Professor of Spanish and Hispanic studies at the University of Kentucky, some first-generation Latino students encounter the problem of having little to no English skills.…
As a Venezuelan High School Senior would think that would have to mean that I must have lived a hard life up to this point. One could assume that I have had parental problems such as my father leaving me, and my mom having to raise me alone. Since I am Hispanic I must have a green card. I am Hispanic so it must be impossible that I was born here and my parents are legal citizens. I am Venezuelan…
The American Dream is becoming harder to achieve. A report from the Pew Charitable Trusts found that “most Americans raised at the bottom of the income ladder never reach the middle rung.” Growing up in a poor migrant family I am experiencing many challenges that poor people have to overcome to move up. Had my parents not come to the United States when I was a child, I would have not had an opportunity get out of poverty. If I stayed in Mexico my possibility to have gone to get an formal education would have been less, considering the cost of school and education quality in Mexico is not affordable or good.…
As a brown woman who has been undocumented from the ages of 6 to 16. The thought of never pursuing higher education never crossed my mind. I was aware of my legal status at a young age, and that has motivated me to try harder. Before I went to high school I had always been in classrooms filled with people of color, but that changed when I got to Dowling Catholic High School. There was white people everywhere I looked, I was challenged to either fall on my face and give in to the stereotypes or be the best I could be.…
One significant factor on entitling children of an undocumented status to an education is the longstanding economic benefits it can bring to a country. It has widely been argued in the U.S.A that parents of undocumented status don't pay their fair share of taxes and therefore their children shouldn't be entitled to education in the country but it should be noted that this is quite the opposite. It was reported by the Social Security Administration that around 340 million unclaimed tax forms were recorded and the reason they go unrecorded is because employers fill forms on behalf of undocumented workers which results in undocumented individuals paying billions in taxes for retirement benefits and end up receiving nothing out of it. Stephen Goss…
Education, in various forms, has long been a priority for my family. Desiring for me to receive the best education possible, my parents made great sacrifices to put me through private school from the very beginning of my schooling. I have been so fortune to receive a quality education, but I do not intend for myself to be the only person that will benefit. I understand that when a person is given an abundance of opportunities, more is expected from them. My Hispanic grandparents came from a culture where it was not typical to receive higher education.…
Growing up as a child, my parents inculcated that getting an education was an essential tool I needed in order to strive in this world. At the time, I did not fully understand why they wanted me to get an educational and a career if they, themselves, had not done it. I was young and naïve and was unaware of the circumstances that I was being brought up in. My parents left their native country and came to the U.S.A. seeking a better future for themselves and gave me an opportunity at a brighter future.…