Landsat 7 is a sun-synchronous satellite operated as a joint project between NOSA, NOAA and the US Geological Survey. It continued the US long-term earth observation Landsat program. It have been successfully launched on 15th Aprial 1999 from the Western Test Range of Vandenberg Air Force Base with the altitude of 705 km and revisit time of 16 days. The service time of Landsat 7 is 5 years from July 1999 to October 2014. The detailed characteristic of Landsat 7 as blow Figure 5 indicates.
Figure 5 Basic Characteristics of Landsat 7 (NASA, 2016)
Launch Date April 15, 1999
operational despite Scan Line Corrector (SLC) failure May 31, 2003
Sensors ETM+
Altitude 705 km
Inclination 98.2°
Inclination 98.2°
Orbit polar, …show more content…
As characteristics mentioned above, the data especially suitable for using by anthropogenic and natural changes observation, such as urbanization, deforestation, desertification, water resource development and disasters monitoring (Satellite Imaging Corporation, 2015).
Analysis and Conclusion
Compared with spectral range and spatial resolution between two kind of sun-synchronous satellites, CBERS-2 and Landsat 5 and 7,as the followed Figure 8 show in detailed. It can be found that the spatial solution of HRCC sensor on CBERS have higher resolution than the spatial resolution in both TM and ETM+ in Landsat 5 and 7 in band 1 to 4. It means that for 3 visible wavelength bands which can used to create “true-colour” images of the Earth, CBERS can detected smaller feature in images which will be more detailed and accurate than Landsat 5 and 7’s images. However, it can be also found that Landsat 5 and 7 have higher resolution in band 5 to 7 by IRMSS support, especially the panchromatic band on EMT+ is attained 15 m which is highest resolution in both two satellites. Turn to temporal resolution, Landsat 7 is more suitable for time series analysis or change detection …show more content…
It would enables great insights of earth’s cloud and water conditions in the application area of weather watch and environment monitoring. Moreover, pay attention on two kind of sun-synchronous satellites, CBERS-2 and Landsat 7, because their multispectral capabilities, high-resolution and short revisit time, both of them have good suitability for scanning small feature images, which can be used in wide range area, such as global change, land cover, agriculture research, forestry, mining industry. However, Landsat 7 are more suitable to observe some changing and develop issues because it is higher temporal resolution, such as some applications for monitoring of urbanization, deforestation, desertification, water resource development and anthropogenic and natural