Issue Presented by the Case The first issue presented in this case refers to the allegation of the breach of contract for insurance coverage provided by Steven Lucas. The second issue presented in the case is whether or not Steven Lucas is responsible for providing false information to potential clients. The third issue presented in this case refers to the accountability of Nunn and Vaden examining the policy and what the insurance program entails. Plaintiff…
May 05, 2009 Legal History: Howard D. Brunson the plaintiff filed a four count complaint in the Supreme Court of New Jersey against Affinity Federal Credit Union and Wilcox for being liable to him for malicious prosecution (Count 1); That Wilcox was liable to plaintiff to negligence (Count 2): That Affinity was liable to plaintiff in hiring of Wilcox (Count 3); and that the person who actually committed the crime was liable to the plaintiff in negligence. (Count 4). Affinity and Wilcox moved for entry of summary judgement in their favor and wanted the case dismissed because they plaintiff had failed to appear for a deposition or a response to a notice which was in lieu of subpoena. Even though the plaintiff objected the trial court granted both motions.…
On April 5th, 2016 I attended the Harris County 215th Civil Courthouse located at 201 Caroline St, Houston, TX 77002. The civil court case was that of Elizabeth Cardona v. Melissa and Daisy Estrada. Cardona was the plaintiff whereas the Estrada sisters were the defendants. The civil court judge was Elaine Palmer. Cardona stated that the sisters approached her at her place of work in a clothing store in Deerbrook Mall and discussed a lucrative investment opportunity in the business promising her a share of the profits from the store in return for her investment which was over eighty thousand dollars that the plaintiff totally invested.…
In Tichenor, the court found substantial harm. Id. at 178. In Tichenor, the plaintiff’s were unable to perform yard work, plant flowers or enjoy their porch because of the volume of the dogs’ barks. Id. at 175. The court reasoned the volume of the noise was more than a slight inconvenience because a normal person should be able to use their property at will without being interrupted by a neighbor.…
According to records provided, Kolby was previously direct committed on 06/20/2016 to a non-secure residential facility by the Honorable Judge Williams on charges of Grand Theft of Motor Vehicle. On 07/06/2015 it was alleged he committed the crimes of four counts of Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon. On his first occurrence, Kolby was admitted to a diversion program on 10/11/2013 for charges of Larceny Petit Theft. Since his release, he had picked up four new charges on 03/04/2013, mainly related to Larceny Grand Theft, Trespassing School Grounds, Robbery w/o Firearm and Battery Touch or Strike. The youth was deemed incompetent to proceed.…
The Capistrano Unified School District took the parents of Jeremy Wartenberg, Wayne and Charlene Wartenberg to court in their refusal to pay for Jeremy’s private school tuition, fees spent at the private school, and attorney fees. The school district expresses that Jeremy’s behavior comes from his own willfulness to misbehave not his disability. The school psychologist, although acknowledging that Jeremy had a learning disability of attention deficit disorder (ADD), which allowed for an IEP and services, felt that it was not sever enough to be a contributing factor to his behavior. He felt that Jeremy’s primary behavior was largely related to his failure to work, cooperate, and school truancies rather than his primarily disability of ADD. He acknowledged that Jeremy’s behavior could be a contributing factor of his Conduct Disorder, which is not covered under a learning…
The trial of Chief Oshkosh for the murder of Pawnee tribe member Okeguay due to a Menominee tradition of retaliation executions served less as an execution of justice and more as a drawn-out legal proceeding with no direct consequences and massive legal ramifications. This actual intention behind the trial becomes clear through the actions and statements of Judge James D. Doty. Baird records that upon his motion for final judgment in light of the conviction, “the Judge gave, at length, an opinion upon which facts states in the special verdict”. The Judge Doty proclaimed that “as the individual who had been killed by the accused was himself a Indian, and the accused was one of the nation amongst whom a custom existed, allowing the relation of…
Respectfully submitted, _________________________________________ John R. Bell, Jr. (SC Bar No. 72599) John Bell Law…
1. What are the issues in the upcoming negotiation? • The price that the Magnetic Advances division is willing to pay for the rights to Z-25 is one of the main issues in this negotiation. • Another issue is to whom Magnetic Advances is allowed to sell to, if we at Audio Components decide to sell the rights.…
Kamara further contends that HSBC’s title is void because the deed was prepared and recorded before Kamara’s motion for the circuit court to reconsider the ratification of the sale was resolved. HSBC, for its part, argues that the title it acquired from the foreclosure sale is a valid enforceable instrument that is only voidable upon a finding of a defect. We agree with HSBC, and hold that the title HSBC acquired from the foreclosure sale was not void. Kamara’s argument that HSBC’s title to the Property is void is premised upon the assertion that a foreclosure sale “does not pass title to the property until ratified by the court.” Fisher v. Fed Nat.…
This office represents Nicole Braun with respect to two promissory notes signed by SITO’s former Chief Executive Officer, Jerry Hug. A copy of each of those notes is enclosed with this correspondence. The context of each of these notes was service provided by Mr. Hug, as an officer of SITO regarding the attempted disposition by Nicole Brown of restricted SITO shares. Mr. Hug repeatedly represented to Ms. Braun that he had the full authority on behalf of the Company to assist with the disposition of the shares and enter into the loan agreements. As a result, Ms. Braun lent Mr. Hug a total of $110,000, none of which has yet been repaid.…
Hi Andreia, I believe determining market strategy and exploring potential foreign markets is the task organization shall do before looking for exporting steps. It will allow them to determine mode of transfer (via ocean or road), whereas determining potential market as a step of starting export means the company is taking mode of shipment as a priority. Robyn Hi..,…
Profile Marika is a commercial litigation specialist with particular expertise in banking and financial markets, real estate and construction, and insurance. Marika represents clients in a variety of commercial disputes, both in the Courts and in arbitrations. She also advises on a range of contentious and non-contentious matters including contract, company and securities law, banking, construction, leasing and insurance. Marika brings a commercial and strategic approach to disputes and is valued for her ability to avoid and efficiently resolve issues for her clients. Experience Marika’s recent experience includes: •Appearing as counsel in the Courts and arbitrations in relation to a variety of disputes, including complex…
Part I Issues The issues concern the correctness of the finding of the majority in the Court of Appeal that there had not been a breach of fiduciary duty by the Respondent. In particular: a) whether the scope of the Respondent’s fiduciary obligations extended to the Appellant’s business venture and whether the Respondent breached his fiduciary obligation by failing to continue negotiations and subsequently receiving an unauthorised profit from his position. b) whether the majority was correct to award an account of profits rather than ordering a constructive trust over Phones R Us retail business. c) Whether* the majority’s approach in rejecting the principle of equitable compensation was correct as the Respondent’s breach caused the Appellant’s…
The First issue identified was that of whether or not Miss. Seashell is still liable for the $200,000.00 despite not signing the charge on her property but signing to the loan document. In the absence of a charge on the property equates to an absence of equitable interest to the Bank. This therefore means that the bank is unable to exercise its power of sale in order to recover it’s debt in default. Nonetheless, under the law governing contracts, it is established that the bank's contract with its customers are commercial contracts that are presumed by the courts to be legally binding.…