Issue Presented by the Case The first issue presented in this case refers to the allegation of the breach of contract for insurance coverage provided by Steven Lucas. The second issue presented in the case is whether or not Steven Lucas is responsible for providing false information to potential clients. The third issue presented in this case refers to the accountability of Nunn and Vaden examining the policy and what the insurance program entails. Plaintiff…
May 05, 2009 Legal History: Howard D. Brunson the plaintiff filed a four count complaint in the Supreme Court of New Jersey against Affinity Federal Credit Union and Wilcox for being liable to him for malicious prosecution (Count 1); That Wilcox was liable to plaintiff to negligence (Count 2): That Affinity was liable to plaintiff in hiring of Wilcox (Count 3); and that the person who actually committed the crime was liable to the plaintiff in negligence. (Count 4). Affinity and Wilcox moved for entry of summary judgement in their favor and wanted the case dismissed because they plaintiff had failed to appear for a deposition or a response to a notice which was in lieu of subpoena. Even though the plaintiff objected the trial court granted both motions.…
On April 5th, 2016 I attended the Harris County 215th Civil Courthouse located at 201 Caroline St, Houston, TX 77002. The civil court case was that of Elizabeth Cardona v. Melissa and Daisy Estrada. Cardona was the plaintiff whereas the Estrada sisters were the defendants. The civil court judge was Elaine Palmer. Cardona stated that the sisters approached her at her place of work in a clothing store in Deerbrook Mall and discussed a lucrative investment opportunity in the business promising her a share of the profits from the store in return for her investment which was over eighty thousand dollars that the plaintiff totally invested.…
The plaintiff complained to the President of RCC, Larry K Linker regarding the harassment against her by Edwards and demanded a full-year contract instead of the two-month contract. (Sounds like a threat). The President told her…
The power of attorney gives Martin the authority to dispose of the principal’s property to support the principal’s children, and “the individuals whom the principal has customarily supported or indicated the intent to support.” Complaint, ¶ 10. Plaintiffs further contend that Daniel customarily supported both plaintiffs. Complaint, ¶ 11.…
Bordenkecher (formerly Paula Bowie) (“Ms. Bordenkecher”) argues “I am not liable, because I said so.” Before even filing an answer to the complaint, Ms. Bordenkecher files a motion for summary judgment based only on her self-serving statement that she was not involved in the conduct alleged in the complaint and an affidavit from the individual that has otherwise ignored the jurisdiction of this court for over half a decade. In disposing of this motion for summary judgment, this Court must determine whether there is any genuine dispute that Ms. Bordenkecher was involved in the conduct alleged in the complaint. At this juncture, the aforementioned question must be answered in the positive, and therefore, Ms. Bordenkecher’s motion must be…
Application of the law to the facts We the legal team for Greene 's Jewelry will assess all the strengths and weaknesses of the proposed argument in court. The lawsuit provides us with the opportunity to introduce different directions for the arguments needed to be made in the courts; from the case laws, regulations, and substantive law. By Utilizing these resources, in the lawsuit against Ms Lawson it is believed that a favorable decision will be made on behalf of Greene 's Jewelry in both cases. Taking a sufficient amount of time to analyze the details of the case we have come to the conclusion that the focal point and the strength of our argument in the lawsuit against Ms Lawson is that she intentionally violated her contract.…
In Marilyn Chin’s “Elegy for Chloe Nguyen (1955-1988),” she speaks about the life of her friend that has passed away at the age of 33. She compares their lives side by side, with Chin growing up poor and Nguyen growing up wealthy. Both women grew up in a similar cultural background, but a different class background. It’s almost as if Chin admired how intelligent and well-rounded Nguyen appeared to be, despite Nguyen experiencing moods of emptiness throughout her life. As the poem progresses, it’s evident that there is a shift in Nguyen’s mood, thus shifting the poem.…
Gregg v. Georgia 428 US 153 (1976) History: The case of Gregg v. Georgia originated in the state of Georgia. The case originally took place in the Georgia Supreme court where the petitioner originally pleaded guilty to the charges brought against them. From there the petitioner challenged the decision and said the death penalty was cruel and unusual punishment under the eighth and fourteenth amendments.…
In Arizona, the decision of the court regarding modification of spousal maintenance is based upon Arizona Revised Statute Section 25-327(A) (2007) which requires that modification be dependent upon changed circumstances. For modification or termination of spousal support to be warranted it is also necessary that the circumstances be proven by comparison to the situation as in place at the time of dissolution. When is a Modification of Spousal Maintenance Appropriate? In MacMillan v. Schwartz, Gail E. MacMillan (“Wife”) filed for an appeal after the trial court ordered a modification of spousal maintenance. She contended that the court erred in finding that her earnings triggered the modification clause of the original spousal maintenance agreement and in the determination of the actual modified award due from William C. Schwartz (“Husband”).…
The Plaintiff, Savitri, filed a complaint that Rajendra negligently and intentionally inflicted emotional distress. She alleged that he used his psychiatric training in order to manipulate and brainwash the children into hating her. The defendant then made a motion for summary disposition, which the court granted. The court found the claim to be barred by res judicata. The plaintiff then claimed that by the court granting a summary of disposition was wrong, because her claim was based on relief and was not adjudicated by a court.…
In news articles and in articles in the newspapers, there are always numerous accounts of people stereotyping others and showing prejudice towards others. Today, there are numerous storylines in the news about cops racially profiling African-Americans and ordinary citizens racially profiling other based on their appearance and actions. Not only are these stereotypes and prejudices displayed in daily life in the world, but it is also displayed in works of literature. Such works of literature that include prejudices, stereotypes, and misconceptions, are To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, and The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls. The main characters in the three core texts experience outward influences from their…
There exists a stereotype about the children of immigrants: their parents press them hard to be successful, to be more than the ordinary, to avoid the struggles they themselves once faced. Those parents, perhaps, see the success of the future generation as the fruits of their own labor. People often hold the idea that immigrant parents are living vicariously through their children. In many ways, as they sometimes are, this stereotype is not far from the truth. Such behaviors are observable in the stories and memoirs of immigrants’ children; for instance, Jing-mei of Amy Tan’s “Two Kinds”.…
Stereotype, a word that conjures up a myriad of feelings and images in ones brain. It allows people to place others into boxes, categorizing them for future reference. However, the danger here is that stereotypes do not make room for the expansion upon said boxes. Michael Pickering, a professor of media and cultural analysis at Loughborough University in the UK, expands upon this idea of stereotypes and their inflexibility in his book Stereotyping: The Politics of Representation published in 2001 by Palgrave Macmillan.…
Stuart Hall (1997) wrote about the impact of classifying and stereotyping various forms of difference in society. According to Hall (1997), race, like many other forms of difference, is socially constructed (p. 225). As such, individuals’ racial identity varies over place and time (p. 239). Hall (1997) suggests that stereotypes are used to maintain the boundaries between different groups of people because racial boundaries have proven to be fallible (p. 258). In his text, The Spectacle of the ‘Other’, Hall (1997) offers three different cultural strategies that can be used to combat stereotyping (p. 270).…