Order and power, those with it have an immense amount of control over those who do not. It makes sense then, that those with power would do anything they could to keep it. Due to this, stereotypes have become an effective tool in keeping a select group of people down. A key way to maintain said order and power, would be to then utilize stereotyping, which would then “deny any flexible thinking” (3). “Flexible thinking,” here encompasses any change of opinion one might have after meeting someone they had once stereotyped. That is to say, going back and changing ones opinion. This is a primarily difficult thing to do with stereotypes, which is why it makes it a useful tool in maintaining ones position of power. “The comfort of inflexibility which stereotypes provide reinforces the conviction that existing relations of power are necessary and fixed” (3). This sentence is important in understand why stereotypes are important in maintaining order and power. The word “existing,” reinforces this notion, as it explains that those who are in power should stay in power, as opposed to some other group of people. The words “necessary and fixed,” are important, given that they too uphold the current way of living. Stereotypes, in its rigidity, allow those in power to remain as the best possible
Order and power, those with it have an immense amount of control over those who do not. It makes sense then, that those with power would do anything they could to keep it. Due to this, stereotypes have become an effective tool in keeping a select group of people down. A key way to maintain said order and power, would be to then utilize stereotyping, which would then “deny any flexible thinking” (3). “Flexible thinking,” here encompasses any change of opinion one might have after meeting someone they had once stereotyped. That is to say, going back and changing ones opinion. This is a primarily difficult thing to do with stereotypes, which is why it makes it a useful tool in maintaining ones position of power. “The comfort of inflexibility which stereotypes provide reinforces the conviction that existing relations of power are necessary and fixed” (3). This sentence is important in understand why stereotypes are important in maintaining order and power. The word “existing,” reinforces this notion, as it explains that those who are in power should stay in power, as opposed to some other group of people. The words “necessary and fixed,” are important, given that they too uphold the current way of living. Stereotypes, in its rigidity, allow those in power to remain as the best possible