Drawing from chapters 11 (Hispanic Americans) and 13 (Women as Minority Group) and both YouTube videos on Latinas featured in Module 10, identify and assess sociological traits pertaining to the minority status of Hispanic Americans and women. Such traits may be found in the Key Terms sections of both chapters.
Step 1. After watching both videos, identify, define and analyze 2 sociological traits which appear to be specific to Hispanic Americans (tip: “being crazy” is not one of them).
Most minority groups, at one point, do suffer from sociological stereotypes. These types of ideas can lead to prejudice attitudes and discriminatory behaviors. In the second Video, “The 10 Worst Stereotypes …show more content…
This is companion to the concept of Machismo, which is the epitome of masculinity. Some characteristics described as Marianismo are the acceptance of male dominance and the emphasis of a woman’s traditional role in the family as the nurturing parent.
These ideals may have been more significant in the case of the earlier immigrants (such as parents and grandparents). However, the Hispanic women of today may be more “Americanized” than their predecessors and therefore these older ideals may not be as relevant …show more content…
They have a very causal attitude and don’t feel the need to rush. They believe this type of behavior might “rob one of dignity”. (pg. 353 of text). This group of people likes to take each day as it comes, with no hurry. They feel that time is very flexible.
Step 3. After watching both videos, identify and assess 2 stereotypical traits which could be applied to all women and not only Latinas.
One stereotypical trait that can be applied to all women is the idea that all women are more nurturing than men. This idea seems to lend credence that it is only the role of the woman to cook and clean and take care of the children. Another addition to this stereotype is that all women want a children and a family and that this is enough to fulfill their lives. While some women are very happy in this role, there are just as many women who would prefer to have a successful career. On the other hand, men are not always the only person who provide financially for the family. Some men today, are stay at home dads and take over the nurturing of the children, while the wife provides the financial