People tend to ignore the importance of how the separation of the ethnic groups that live in the United States. These issues develop unnecessary confusion among each citizen. In the society today race, class and stereotypes is a common factor of how people form ideas and perceptions even if it’s not true. Stereotypes is an ongoing problem that every person is guilty of although they might agree it’s …show more content…
The perceptions of stereotypes create assumptions between individuals. Black and white Americans stereotypes differ in Black and white communities. The reason being black stereotypes can reality effect someone from opportunities just because of people judging others from an assumption. For example, one of the stereotypes in the black community is how all black are criminals and also racial profiling. An example of racial profiling is two people walking into an expensive store, one black wearing something casual and the other white. The store clerk keeps an eye on the black person assuming heshe cannot afford anything or might steal. “These stereotypes facilitate—and often oversimplify—the way we perceive our social world and may cause separate social categories to become related” (Facing up to stereotypes). The quote above expresses the negative affect the issue can create in the society. An addition some stereotypes affected people views about a person before getting to know