Williams’s book, “Behind the Bedroom Wall” a young girl realizes that the way she was brainwashed to judge people was wrong. The main character, Korrina was taught that Jewish people were horrible and that she was a traitor to Germany if she didn't tell on anyone who was/protecting a Jew. She believed this so much that she was willing to tell on her parents in order to not “betray” the motherland. Korrina believed this because everyone around her did. Her friends, teachers and even her parents showed they believed that it was the right thing. People she knew greeted each other by saying “Heil Hitler” and she did the same thing(82). People would slap others if they didn’t say the phrase correctly, “She didn’t understand why she had been attacked. What had she done wrong? So she had said, ‘Heil Hitler,’ a little out of unison-so what?”(86). Because of this Korrina realized how horrible society had become and at the end of the story she didn’t tell officials about her parents keeping Jews safe and because of this she helped protect them, she saved her parents and many other people. She ended up saving all those people because she used her own mind instead of following others. People tend to “follow the crowd”, meaning that if a lot of people they know do something or a lot of people believe in something, they'll follow. This not only happened to Korrina but it also happens to many other people in this generation. If they hear about one race doing something bad and …show more content…
Ending them will require people to use their own ideas and I believe that standing up against these labels will create a better environment to live in, not just now but in the future too. Not only do people need to use their own minds to end stereotypes, but also in many other situations, life throws at them. The three sources “Hum” by Naomi Shihab Nye, “Behind the Bedroom Wall” by Laura E. Williams and “Do teachers treat children differently based on their color? Study says yes” by Yolanda Young strongly support the idea that stereotypes limit what people, young and old are able to achieve and need to be ended in order to give human beings equal rights and equal