Stereotyping Can Drag Down Performance Summary

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To begin, I had to do an assignment where I had to make a survey about stereotypes and then give to twenty of my classmates and see their responses. Therefore, the article, “ How a Self-Fulfilling Stereotype Can Drag Down Performance” by Shankar Vedantam, talks about how Americans from this General Social Survey business have been giving a national survey that social trends. Also, it says for years that blacks have been scoring lower on the vocabulary test than whites. These are just two of the most popular races but at my school there are many more. tracks In addition, when I gave my survey out I tried to give it out to most of the races here at the school but I got more hispanic people than any others. There was a point where all the other classmates in my class who gave out the survey all came in and we analyzed the results of everybody’s answers. Then from there I saw that 61% of people that were surveyed were hispanic and that 28.3% of people were from the tenth grade. That’s actually pretty good because we gave out the survey and my classmates and I are all freshmen. I also saw that most people put that they often see stereotypes happen in school but outside of the classroom. Although, many people see them happen 46.7% still ignore them and don’t do or say anything about them. …show more content…
For example, in the article,” How a Self-Fulfilling Stereotype Can Drag Down Performance” it states that,” When confronted by challenges that inevitably arise in these contexts, people threatened by stereotypes get the false message that they ought to be doing something else”. Now by hearing that statement it tells me that people who place stereotypes on others should be really

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