From the article, Kempner ‘s stands that condom should available at school, she explains how the condom can bring help to students. He also refutes some respondents of interview words that it may cause promiscuous as the student would increase sexual activity.
Kempner ‘s argument is credible as she quoted a lot of statistics and studies and he used the persuasive techniques, ethos, pathos and logos to support his argument and to persuade the audience. A journal article posted on Rewire, focus on schools, the target audience are the parents, students, teachers and school administration . it is appropriate to use much research.
Ethos is used to support Kempner ‘s stands about condom should available at school and convince readers to agree with her. Kempner ’s mention the reason an opinion why people oppose this policy, then use statistic to dismiss .as she using …show more content…
It brings a feeling that if you use the condom when you having sex, you will get protection and avoid to get pregnant or opportunities to get STD’s.
She has some common model of argument that: classifying,compare and Contrast ,cause and effect. Telling the reason why people support or disagree, use a lot of data to compare why people will and analysis and the effect of use condom. The type of evidence are:primary source information, statistics.for example,, studies from the University of California.
To conclude, the Kempner ‘s argument is effective as she uses lots of data, information and interview result inside, very credible. Also included ethos, pathos, and logos to support the argument.
There are one weakness that if the writer can write a critique or her opinion, in the end, it may make her stand