Week 2 /Capstone I 585
Professional Investigation
October 22nd 2015
As a current social worker, for this assignment I wanted to stay within my same current field , yet focus on careers within different departments of interest working in case management and social services. My career goal is to work as a Probation and or Parole officer within the near future, and I have a strong interest in becoming a Victim Advocate and working with the District Attorney. I was able to reach out to the Juvenile Probation Department and request an opportunity to interview and obtain more information from a current Probation Officer staff member within the department. I was graciously offered and opportunity to shadow a Youth Probation Officer for Solano County for half of the day. This not only gave me an opportunity to interview but to see the day-to-day duties of a Probation Officer. I met with Deputy Youth …show more content…
J. (2013). Falling Back : Incarceration and Transitions to
Adulthood Among Urban Youth. Piscataway: Rutgers University Press.
Douglas W. Young, Jill L. Farrell, Faye S. Taxman . Impacts of Juvenile Probation Training
Models on Youth Recidivism. Justice Quarterly, Volume 30, Number 6 (December 2013), pp. 1068-1089, http://ejournals.ebsco.com.ezproxy1.lib.asu.edu/direct.asp?ArticleID=4C09B2A43A2815FF704A
Burnett, R ., Baker C. Roberts (2007) Assesment, Supervision and Intervention;
Fundamental Practice in Probation, pp 210-47. Cullompton: Wilan Publishing.
Effectiveness of Hotline, Advocacy, Counseling, and Shelter Services for Victims of Domestic
Violence: A Statewide Evaluation J Interperts Violence, Vol. 19, No. 7. (1 July 2004), pp. 815-829, doi:10.1177/0886260504265687 by Larry Bennett, Stephanie Riger, Paul Schewe, April Howard, Sharon Wasco
Sullivan, C. M., & Bybee, D. I. (1999). Reducing violence using community-based advocacy for women with abusive partners. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology,67,