Jovian Moons

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Each planet and moon differ from one another in mass, density, geologic activity, and structure.
The inner most planets or also known as terrestrial planets, these planets mainly have a dense core and rocky surface. Each of these planets though vary in atmosphere and temperature depending on how close or far they are away from our Sun. The temperature also depends on if the planet has a atmosphere or not and what the atmosphere is composed of. Also geological activity depends on if the planets has tectonic plates. Moons also have activity on them due to gravity. This depends on if the moon is being pushed and squeezed by its host planet.
The outer most planets called Jovian planets or gas giants are extremely massive and are mainly comprised of gas.
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We can measure the size of asteroids or comets by the amount of light being reflected by the object and how far away the object is from the Sun we can deduce its size or mass. By using Wien’s Law, astronomers can measure planet’s surface temperatures. Along with surface temperatures, we can see also see the chemical composition and internal structure of a planets as well. Astronomers can see the surface composition by using the wavelengths of light that are absorbed rather than what is being reflected. Also the atmosphere can be figured out by looking at what light is being reflected back at us and looking at the composition of the wavelengths of the light to see the composition of the atmosphere.

From all this data that could be gathered from an planet or moon, we can see if that planet or moon has a magnetic field depending on the density, radius, and rotation rate. All of these measurements have to be taken very carefully and calculated many times over to make sure calculations are correct for the correct data to be given about a planet or moon.
1)The benefits of studying other worlds, moons, and asteroids is beyond great. By

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