Mr. Corso
15 January 2018
Jupiter Research Paper
Our solar system is made up of 8 planets that vary from each other greatly. Jupiter, the fifth planet from the sun, is the closest gas giant in orbit. It is made entirely of gases, and has no surface. Jupiter has the most moons out of any of the planets, and is also the largest planet in the solar system. Jupiter is one of the most interesting planets due to it’s intriguing properties such as its unique size, Red Spot, composition, and other things.
The first person to actually view Jupiter in a telescope was Galileo. Even with his rudimentary telescope, he was able to see bands across the planet and the 4 large Galilean moons that have been named after him. The moons clearly …show more content…
It was named after the leader of the Roman Pantheon and God of thunder. It has also been referred to as the “sky god”. Jupiter was the romanization of the Greek God Zeus. “In the Roman pantheon, Jupiter began as the sky god, concerned mainly with wine festivals and associated with the sacred oak of the Capitol. Eventually, he was attributed the spoils of war and became a god of war. It was believed that he caused the armies to stand strong and be victorious. He was the main witness in all oaths. Jupiter was the central god in the Capitoline Triad along with Juno and Minerva.” (Coffey, …show more content…
These spacecrafts include: Pioneer 10, Pioneer 11, Voyager 1, Voyager 2, Galileo, Ulysses, Cassini-Huygens, New Horizons, and Juno. “Most of the probes that studied Jupiter had multiple mission objectives — Pioneer 10 also studied the asteroid belt, and then flew past Jupiter to study more distant regions of the solar system. But Jupiter is the primary focus of the Juno mission. The probe will come closer to the top of Jupiter's colorful clouds than any probe before it, and after about 20 months of observation, Juno will end its mission by crashing into the gas giant”(Cofield). Not all of these spacecrafts were successful but the fact that there were so many sent out to learn about Jupiter proves that Jupiter is a very intriguing