A common theme throughout this video was that everybody is greedy in some form. They used the example of meat in the video. John Stossel explains all the different types of greed in this scenario. The rancher who takes care of the cattle doesn’t care about the person picking up the steak in the local grocery store, just like the butcher doesn’t care about those packaging the meat. These people are doing whatever their job may be for themselves, so in a way they are all being greedy. To further prove the point he is trying to make when he is interviewing the different people in the meat making process “Are you making this product for John Stossel?” To this question they all replied, “of course not”, or “who is John Stossel”. …show more content…
Rockefeller as an example. He had what was considered to be a monopoly on the oil industry, yet he still wanted more. He put money back into his oil companies in order to make more. On top of this, he cut the price of oil down to the level where it could be obtained by the common household. This led to people being able to stay awake once it had gotten dark, which led to more educated and happier homes. Of course people will say that Rockefeller was greedy, and he shouldn’t have as much of the money he had, but he worked hard for it and helped people in ways often not thought