Poorer citizens often spoke badly of the rich because, from their point of view, they were corrupt and only did what was best for them. But others viewed the wealthy as the “chosen ones” and that they have blessed the nation with their success (Document two). Arguments could be made to defend both sides, such as: the rich were wealthy because of their hard work and dedication to making the American economy richer, and that they were corrupt because, in order to gain their riches, they had to take money from the poor. While some of these corporations were being praised by some, they were also being condemned by others. Many Americans, even some successful men, showed their disapproval of the large corporations by stating that they have completely taken over the economy and crushing the American dream. These people regularly pushed for economic reform and to put regulations on these big businesses (Document four). As America became divided, half argued that change relating to the rise of corporate power would be a good thing, the other half believed that the American identity should continue to assist the smaller, more independent
Poorer citizens often spoke badly of the rich because, from their point of view, they were corrupt and only did what was best for them. But others viewed the wealthy as the “chosen ones” and that they have blessed the nation with their success (Document two). Arguments could be made to defend both sides, such as: the rich were wealthy because of their hard work and dedication to making the American economy richer, and that they were corrupt because, in order to gain their riches, they had to take money from the poor. While some of these corporations were being praised by some, they were also being condemned by others. Many Americans, even some successful men, showed their disapproval of the large corporations by stating that they have completely taken over the economy and crushing the American dream. These people regularly pushed for economic reform and to put regulations on these big businesses (Document four). As America became divided, half argued that change relating to the rise of corporate power would be a good thing, the other half believed that the American identity should continue to assist the smaller, more independent