Jennifer Government Character Analysis

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The society today is developing towards a stage where wealthiest are ruling the planet and is increasingly becoming plutocratic. What used to be a democratic state is no longer present. This plutocratic stage has seen many similarities with the society depicted in Jennifer Government by Max Barry. Jennifer Government is staged in a society where the wealthiest corporations have taken over the planet and have formed their own society. As well as that, they have made a huge impact in the human nature and the lifestyle of people. Also, the movie The Corporation by Mark Achbar explores the goals and motives of companies presented in modern day society and how they are fooling the public. The movie as well states the sign of increased power possessed …show more content…
Most of the groups in the book and the article are trying to take over the world. In the book “The government is always watching, so are the corporations” (Barry, 47) this quote shows that the corporation in the book are as powerful as the government. The corporation same or quite more amount of ability than the government. The society in the book is run by corporations, people are working for companies like Nike, American express and Walmart. The world is described as one country which is America and then is divided by the names of corporations. Also the society “declares the end of government” (Barry, 215) this means that the corporation have grown stronger than the government and the government has lost hope and withdrawal from ruling the world. This leads corporation being the one taking control and making important steps in the society. Whereas in the article Oligharcy, American Style by Paul Krugman talks about the difference between highly educated and illiterate. “It’s the educated versus the less educated” (Krugman, 1) There is more competition in the society today than ever before. Every person wants to be better than the person next to him. The educated people as well as the wealthiest people are the one ruling the world today. Even if the wealthiest are illiterate, they are able to get a job because of their power of money. “The richest thousandth of Americans ….. Rise more than 400 percent over the period from 1979 to 2005” (Krugman 1). This shows “how much the rich the richer have become” (Krugman 1). The rich people get rich day by day, whereas the low income class is struggling to survive. As a result, people with high income are ruling the society right now with their power of

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