Analysis: A Defense Of Abortion By Jarvis Thomson

Improved Essays
Abortion is an immensely controversial topic in today’s society. Jarvis Thomson makes many arguments on the topic of abortion in the writing of “A Defense of Abortion”. In today’s society, there are many different stances on abortion that include a variety of concepts and situations to consider. Jarvis Thomson says that abortion can be permissible. Many people can concure to that saying babies are innocent and do not mean to harm a mother, but a mother has a right to her body. Many say that the baby has rights in addition to the mother; Thomson would say then a mother can remove a baby if they are unwelcomed and attempted to be prevented. While this is a very prominent topic of argumentation, it is controversial, and can even be hard to prove and explain a particular stance. Jarvis Thomson is one of the few who tries to make a case. Jarvis Thomson believes that abortion can be acceptable, but only under certain circumstances. She claims in that “Abortion is permissible when it’s to save the other’s life since it’s self defense.” (pg.189) This statement is an if only kind of statement. By saying this, Jarvis Thomson is actually allocating the belief that …show more content…
In a war, there are two sides fighting, with each side believing that they are fighting for should be the right and moral thing. On the battlefield, you fight, and you kill people. The people opposing you could possibly be innocent people who joined the war by being drafted or people who were in a position not to be on the front lines, but were moved from lack of bodies. In this situation, regardless of how you arrived there, you are fighting. You are killing people considered your enemy in self defense for not only your country but for yourself, to save your own life. Abortion is no different from this, yet war is seen as the acceptable

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