Innocent Children During The Holocaust

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The Holocaust was full of gruesome and atrocious events. The Nazi regime abhorrently killed tons of innocent people including, 1.5 million children. Between January 30, 1933 through May 8, 1945 an egregious event occurred, the Holocaust. The Holocaust was a movement by the Nazi regime during World War II. Over 1.5 million children were killed by the Nazis during the Holocaust. Although many horrific events occurred during the Holocaust one of the worst was the killing of innocent children. The impact of this event will always be remembered. According to extensive historical documentation, children were stripped of their childhoods and treated horrifically during the holocaust.
The Nazi regime can be traced all the way back to Braunau am Inn, Austria. On April 20, 1889, Alois Hitler and Klara Polzl’s fourth child was born under the name Adolf Hitler. Adolf had a disheveled childhood. He had relationship problems with his mentally harsh father. Whom didn’t want his son to pursue what he was interested in, which was the field of fine art. Instead of attend a normal, classical high school, Alois sent his son to Realschule in September 1900, a secondary school for technology. Hitler stated in Mein Kampf, that he purposely did poor in school so that once his father realized "what little progress I was making at the technical school he would let me devote myself to my dream" (Hitler 10). Adolf eventually dropped out of school and ended his studies. In 1900, Adolf’s brother Edmund died. Then three years later in 1903, Adolf’s father died suddenly. In Result, Adolf became introspective and emancipated. Throughout his childhood, Hitler showed interest in the nationalism of Germany. This would later inspire him to serve Germany not only in warfare but also in politics. With a tough childhood Hitler brought out his anger through war and dictatorship. In 1914 at the outbreak of World War I, Hitler was living in Munich and voluntarily enlisted in the Bavarian Army. Hitler described his experience in World War I as, “the greatest of all experiences.” He was praised heavily for his brave efforts in World War I. After the war, Hitler returned to Munich and continued to work for the military as an intelligence officer. Over this time, he would adopt many anti-Semitic, nationalist and anti-Marxist ideas from a party known as the German Worker’s Party (DAP). He joined the DAP in September 1919 (Would later be changed to the Nazi Party). By the time World War II came around, Adolf Hitler was the Chancellor of Germany and the leader of the
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The Hitler Youth was designed to brainwash the kids of Germany. Adolf Hitler wanted his regime to last for many generations. Adolf Hitler stated, ”He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future”. He hoped to present and force upon the principles of Nazism to children. The Hitler Youth learned many survival skills. They were taught to shoot weapons and other competitive athletics. Children involved in this, essentially had their entire childhoods drained. They didn’t get to enjoy free time with their friends and families. Everything in their childhoods was focused on the war at …show more content…
They were brutal not just for children but every single person who entered. Most children were killed on arrival but if not, the camps were filled with gas chambers, hard labor, and terrible living conditions. It is almost unthinkable about what the people who were in the concentration camps had to go through. Auschwitz was a concentration camp located in present day Poland. Too add, “The Auschwitz concentration camp complex was the largest of its kind established by the Nazi regime. It included three main camps. All three camps used prisoners for forced labor. One of them also functioned for an extended period as a killing center” (ushmm np). Most people who entered Auschwitz didn’t come out alive. The use of these gas chambers was a very effective way for the Nazis to kill large groups of people in a short amount of time. Children were also killed shortly after birth. Those few who were born in the ghettos survived due to the prisoners. Some prisoners hid babies around the ghettos. When asked about the state of children in the camp, Lucie Adelsberger

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