Dbq 11 Auschwitz Research Paper

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One of the other things are that the woman, men, and children were treated differently. Along with the lesbian, gay, and bisexual people. Even though all of the people had to sleep on metal and wooden bunk beds with straw on them. They were barely fed, in one of the picture in the book smoke and ashes by Barbara Rogasky, it was a male with a cut shirt and you could see his rib cages. Theholocaustexplained.org says this “Meal times were the most important event of each day. After morning roll call the prisoners would be given their morning ‘meal’ – imitation coffee or herbal ‘tea’. For lunch prisoners would be given a litre of watery soup. If they were lucky, they might find a piece of turnip or potato peel.”
It also says “In the evening prisoners
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They figured it would be a good idea to head west, but before they left they blew up as much as they could to hide that they were doing something wrong. The SS also made all of the “healthy” prisoners go on a long trip out of Auschwitz. Almost 60,000 were forced to walk through harsh conditions of snow, rain, and sleet, in the middle of January. A popular amount of survivors said this was the worst part of being in the Nazis hands. There was a man named, Ibi Mann, he said, “If anyone even dared to bend down to get muddy snow off their shoes they were shot. We weren’t allowed to bend over. We could only walk quickly, quickly. On both sides of the roads there were ditches, big ditches. And the ditches were full of bodies.” There was also another way of brutally killing people, and that would be called a crematorium. A crematorium is a machine that burns people’s body or remains to bones. The Nazis would use this just as much as they use gas chambers. In Auschwitz they had four crematoriums. They would burn these people alive, until they were nothing but ash and bones. With the gas chambers and the crematorium about 4,400 people died a day just from these two things, not including the people that were shot for no reason, the ones who died for no reason,and the ones that were starved. The Holocaust was an awful part of history during 1941-1945. There were concentration camp, some of the really huge ones were, Chelmno, Auschwitz, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, and Maidanek. One that is really noticeable is Auschwitz. This is the most known camp. There were at least 1,100,000 Jews that died. That is not counting all of the homosexuals, gypsies, etc. The Holocaust comes to people's mind and gives people chills. According to Smoke and Ashes by Barbara Rogasky, “the exact number of victims killed at each camp will never be known, because the SS did not record the

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