Then he was told “ You shall receive five times more if you dare tell anyone what you saw.” He got severely punished just because he saw something he was not supposed to. Article four states “No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.” This happened in the Holocaust many times. Jews were put in concentration camps and literally worked to death, or immediately killed on the spot if they were not “fit enough” to work. That is what happened to Wiesel's mother and sister they were murdered just because they were female and considered “Weak.” However, when he entered the first concentration camp the guard states “You are now in the concentration camp, ahead lies a long road paved with suffering.” That is when everyone realized they were not in a good place and they had no chance of escaping, The Holocaust stripped everyone of their basic human rights , it stripped them of any human qualities they had. It made people turn on each other and then they were not able to think rationally , or make smart decisions. The Holocaust destroyed
Then he was told “ You shall receive five times more if you dare tell anyone what you saw.” He got severely punished just because he saw something he was not supposed to. Article four states “No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.” This happened in the Holocaust many times. Jews were put in concentration camps and literally worked to death, or immediately killed on the spot if they were not “fit enough” to work. That is what happened to Wiesel's mother and sister they were murdered just because they were female and considered “Weak.” However, when he entered the first concentration camp the guard states “You are now in the concentration camp, ahead lies a long road paved with suffering.” That is when everyone realized they were not in a good place and they had no chance of escaping, The Holocaust stripped everyone of their basic human rights , it stripped them of any human qualities they had. It made people turn on each other and then they were not able to think rationally , or make smart decisions. The Holocaust destroyed