*Music and news title appears on the screen*
Maddie: Welcome to This Morin’ This Arvo to our 5:30 segment with Lily, Morgan, Isabelle and myself, Maddie.
Isabelle: Tonight we will be discussing the latest health fad, snapchat syndrome, underwater rugby and 2009-2012 fashion flashbacks.
*Flash through pictures from each story*
Script 1:
*Cover photo for story eg. Red Rooster sign and then a picture of the nuggets* (Make the nuggets look gross)
Spoken in front of the class.
Morgan: We are always on the lookout for new healthy, enjoyable, lazy, stuff your face, do nothing but still want to lose weight to get a rocking hot body. Well it appears we don’t need to look any further. Red Rooster has developed a new way of eating …show more content…
Script 2
*Cover photo and title of story appear on screen* (Could be the snapchat logo and old people using the snap filter)
Maddie: Welcome everyone. The CSIRO has released the latest results of studies into social media and have identified an alarming new illness. Snapchat syndrome is rapidly increasing and is becoming highly dangerous, taking over people’s lives. We will now hear from Isabelle for the latest report.
Isabelle: Thank you, Maddie. This disease has had a significant impact on the population over forty, but it appears now to be effecting adolescents too. It was found by scientists that it is highly contagious. It appears as though 72% of people over 40 have this horrific illness and people over 18 having it is 28%, while in February, the illness was only found to effect 10% of young people.
*Insert graphs showing this information*
So what even is snapchat syndrome? Well snapchat is another social media app but unlike Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr, it hypnotises the users through filters. *insert filters on screen*. Eventually the victim is unable to put their phone down or even leave the app. *username from twitter*