Influenza Vs Rhino Virus Research Paper

Improved Essays
We have all had a virus at one point. Sometimes I go to the doctor with my mother and he will say something like, "all the tests came back negative so he probably has a virus." That seems a little confusing because you would think they could tell what the virus was, but there are so many viruses that sometimes we as humans just catch a virus and have to deal with it. Obviously some viruses are not as powerful, but some are very serious and could even lead to death. Two common viruses are Influenza and Rhinovirus, I will write about those later in this paper.

The definition of a virus from the Oxford Dictionary is, an infective agent that typically consists of a nucleic acid molecule in a protein coat, is too small to be seen by light microscopy, and is able to multiply only within the living cells of a host: To me that means that they are these tiny molecules that are not cells, but able to multiply, but only inside of the cells of the person the virus has gone into.

Viruses are not living things. They do have many things inside them that a living thing may have like proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates and Lipids. the problem is that they can't function
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It can cause mild-to severe illness and in some cases even lead to death. If someone is infected with the virus they may sneeze or cough. This will actually release droplets into the air. if someone breathes in an infected droplet they will become infected. Someone may also be contaminated by touching a contaminated surface and transferring by their hand to their mouth. Most of the time people recover from the Influenza in two weeks although in the past 30 years the annual death rate from the Flu ranged from 3,000 to 49,000 deaths per year. You can get a Flu vaccine to help you from getting the flu, but some people don't believe in it and feel it doesn't

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