Influential Factors In Rameck's The Pact

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is an inspiring book about three young men rising from the streets and fulfilling a dream to become doctors. Their experiences and emotions educate teachers about the daily struggles students face, while also helping teachers comprehend Standards Two and Three of the New Jersey Professional Standards for Teachers. This is especially true when considering the three young men’s assets and liabilities that contributed to their learning, such as such as their individual experiences, family, and culture, which defines Standard Two, and how important their peer relationships were, which is valued in Standard Three.
Influential factors like an individual 's experiences, family, and culture have an affect on student learning. In The Pact, three young
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His father was in jail for most of his life, while his mother used drugs to ease her pain. Rameck’s relationship with his mother went back and forth from pity to anger. At the age of thirteen, Rameck was supporting himself with a barbershop job. When he was frustrated, he would turn to his grandmother who gave him the comfort he needed. In junior high, Rameck started to act in plays and wanted to create a portfolio, which cost a hundred and fifty dollars, to help him land an acting role. His grandmother and aunt gave him money to pursue his interest. Unfortunately, before Rameck could spend the money, he realized his house had no electricity and his mom asked him if he had any money to help out. Rameck’s mother had another baby and her milk was going to rot if Rameck did not give up his money. He chose to pay for the bills instead of pursuing his interests. Rameck family responsibilities had a negative effect on his education. He could not pursue his interests in school due to his family holding him back. This eventually lead him to fighting, skipping school, and juvenile jail. Students like Rameck need extra support in the classroom. If there was a way Rameck could have paid off his portfolio through loans, his interest in acting would have kept him out of trouble and off the …show more content…
Although George, Rameck, and Sam experienced different childhood 's, faith brought them together to defeat the streets. George and Sam met in seventh grade and realized they had the same interests while Rameck entered their lives Junior year of high school. They all enrolled into the University High School, which is a school that required an admission test. Due to all three men being exceptionally smart, they passed the test. Soon, their friendship would alter the course of one another’s lives. They became reliant on each other’s success and motivated each other to continue succeeding. George, who was interested in becoming a dentist, pushed his friends to join a Pre-Medicine and Pre-Dental Plus Program that would help them get into college. The program encouraged minorities students to pursue medical careers. Sam and Rameck were hesitate, but end up following their friend to success at Seton Hall. George, Rameck, and Sam come to the conclusion that peer influence defines their future. Rameck and Sam stopped getting into trouble once they realized their old friends were leading them to a road of failure. For example, Rameck started to hang out with Sam and George more after his court case involving pulling a switchblade out on a man who his friends sold crack too. George wanted to impress his friends so he stabbed the man in the thigh.

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