But everyday these books are getting banned for reasons such as mentioning racial slurs, using profanity, and writing about rape and murder. These are all real life problems that people should know about, but these books, such as In Cold Blood, are getting banned for informing about real world issues. In an article about the Delphi method, the author, Yinna Zhang, wrote that a “library is a gathering place of information resources. The abundant information resources gathered in libraries are necessary for economic development”, (Zhang, 1). Zhang is an accountant in China who is concerned with economy, but she states that libraries are gathering places of information. Libraries are full of books and other recourses such as magazines and newspapers, all of which provide large quantities of information to people. However books are being banned from public libraries everyday, taking away learning opportunities from people. Most of these books are banned for the most ridiculous reasons as well, books that don’t need to be banned need to stop being banned. In Cold Blood is a great example of a book that can provide useful information. It is a book written about a true story, yet it is getting banned for telling that true story. In Cold Blood tells the …show more content…
This is just an example of strong word choice by the author, which displays the skill of the author. This scene also can be related to popular crime shows that air everyday, an example of this is the show Law and Order. This is a popular TV show that aired its first episode in the 1990s and aired its final episode in 2010, yet it is still played today on some networks, and many of these episodes involve murder and violence. Yet it does not receive the same concerns that In Cold Blood does. In Cold Blood has received concerns from adults many times that it is too graphic for their children to read, yet their children can easily watch many shows with graphic scenes. So should In Cold Blood be banned because of parents being scared of a single scene from a book, in a world of thousand of other murder reports? Murder is a reality, parents need to realize this, and that here are many other sources of murder stories other then the book In Cold