Challenging a novel is completely different from the act of banning the novel. “A challenge is an attempt to remove or restrict materials, based upon the objections of a person or group” (“About Banned and Challenged Books”). Banning is a very tough thing to do which is why many book challenges plunder due to the support of the novel itself or the lovers of books fighting for the children’s freedom to read what they please. The banning of books is the actual removal of the book from the district. This very rarely happens because the novel has to go through a “trial” of reading and noticing if the book contains items that are sexually explicit, contain witchcraft, or are extremely vulgar. Some have led to many viewed and noticed court cases. So, as a challenging or a banning makes it through, some become a seen topic because it was put to trial. Many believe book banning is prominently recent but it has been happening since 360 B.C. just in different forms and point of views. They would burn books to make a stand on what beliefs and opinions went against the novels and rid the world of the creation of the book and because of these times, it stuck around and has altered into new forms but everything has to start from somewhere. “In ancient times, when hand-scribed books existed in only one or a few copies, destroying them …show more content…
There are the main things such as being sexually explicit, having vulgar language, or not being suited for that age group. Then there are others that are banned for the talk of the extraterrestrial and witchcraft. In the many years people have been challenging books, many have made it to court such as Minarcini v. Strongsville City School District, Mozert v. Hawkins County Board of Education, and one of the most famous, Board of Education v. Pico. All of these cases were brought up because someone had a problem with the writing of a novel. Pico was mainly brought up for religious reasons against books such as Go Ask Alice by Beatrice Sparks and Down These Mean Streets by Piri Thomas. While Mozert was trying to take away the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling for the use of witchcraft and sorcery. These are just a few books that have undergone persecution just for the simple fact that somebody did not like the message the novels produced. The list of banned books could go on for ages. Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck is on this list and hits the spot on number five and Harry Potter at number one (“ALA”). These novels are so controversial because of what they contain just like any other banned book. Of Mice and Men is a debated book because of the exclamation of dialogue. “As recently as 2007, a challenge to the book’s inclusion in a high-school curriculum was mounted in Newton, Iowa, based on its use of