The British took away India’s political rights and responsibilities which had a negative impact on their government and the Indians live’s. When the government was taken over by Britain's it was ran for their own benefits, rather than the rest of the people. British established efficient ministration over 500 million people (Doc #6). And the government of India was in the hands of the people “Who had no permanent interest in their well-being” (Doc #2) Britain's did build an efficient government, but it only benefitted the British which was unfair to the Indians. …show more content…
Infrastructure of railroads and bridges resulted in the availability of railroad jobs (Doc #15,16). But this took millions of dollars away from their weaving industry Indians became impoverished because of how their economy went down under the power of the British. Indian’s benefitted them by giving them jobs, but left them with little to no money for their own goods. British forced Indian farmers to cultivate cash crops. While the crops were very profitable the establishment of cash crops like cotton and indigo destroyed the quality of their soil from the intense farming of crops. (Doc