“Early childhood education? My children do not need that, we can do it ourselves.” And it very possible, but there are factors that is needed to be known. Early childhood education is used in a lot of ways and if done correctly a child usually will not have problems such as lack in social skills, speech issues, etc. There is a way that that can be achieved, and it all starts at an early age. When people hear early childhood development, they think of daycare and a lot of money. Early childhood education involves teaching the fundamental elements one needs to learn for the rest of their life. Developing the brain through early childhood education can be very imperative to the early years of a child’s life, and parents need to be …show more content…
For there is a neuron that is in everybody’s brains called mirror neurons. “Mirror neurons are thought to be specialized brain cells that allow you to learn and empathize by observing the actions of another person” (Bergland, Christopher, n.d.) a world-class endurance athlete, coach, author, and political activist). This is where “monkey see monkey do” comes into play. Mirror neurons is one of the causes that help children develop things like speech, walking, actions, emotions, etc. That is why when speaking to a toddler helps them register that a word means a certain thing. For example the word no. They first are confused, or don’t register it at all of what is being told to them, but then after a while of watching the emotions, and actions done with it, they learn no means no. Mirror neurons also let them explore different actions like being angry, or what makes other people angry. Or they learn that smiling is a good thing, and they pick it up that it’s a good thing, and will soon use it in a couple months of life. With mirror neurons, it is very important to interact with other children their own age groups. This not only teaches them, but teaches the others that are playing and interacting with each other. Playing with another child helps them to learn how to share, use kind words like please and thank you, and how to deal with another child’s