Early Childhood Education: A Critical Analysis

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I agree with Moss (2010), who states “the educator needs to appreciate the range of disciplines, theories and practices available, and to understand her or his responsibility to decide where to situate herself or himself in this complex and diverse range of possibilities” (Moss, 2010, p. 15). Within education there are diverse disciplines, theories and practices, and like Moss, I believe its imperative for educators to have knowledge and an understanding of these before they are able to make informed decisions on where they position themselves within early childhood teaching, learning and development. This assignment intends to demonstrate the position I have taken, and include a critical analysis of the current early childhood curriculum and …show more content…
What counts as literacy and numeracy is dependent on time, social groups and culture, influencing the children’s distinct literacy and numeracy practice (Martello, 2007). In the past literacy ideas of literacy and numeracy as a fixed, neutral system of language rule, symbols and conventions’ (Kennedy, Ridgway & Surman, 2006, p. 15), each with their unique purposes, stemmed from developmental and physiological theories. The emphasis on functional skills, for example letter recognition, provided the foundation for teaching and learning (The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand, 2011). However, as sociocultural theories progressed, understandings of what it means to be literate and numerate have been …show more content…
Multiliteracies recognise that children use different modes to think and make significance (Wright, 2003). These modes help children to convey through linguistic, visual, auditory, gestural, and spatial modes (Education Review office, 2011). Multimodal practices improve and broaden the potential outcomes for literacy and numeracy teaching and learning (Martello, 2007). The notion of multiple literacies has several implications for how we think about literacy as it considers the rising cultural and linguistic diversity, and rapid changes in communication technologies (Kennedy, Ridgeway & Surman, 2006).

As the world is changing and developing, and approaches to teaching have expanded literacy and numeracy now viewed as social practice, where there are diverse forms of knowing, communicating or making sense of the world, beyond the functional skills (The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand, 2011).

In reference to the Moss (2005) statement, I believe that educators have to appreciate the differing ideas of what it means to be literate and numerate, and decide where to situation themselves within these complex and broader ideas (The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand, 2011). Educators need to understand that there is not a universally held view of numeracy and literacy, for this reason they must acknowledge and build on the literacy and numeracy practices that are valued and used by the children in contexts out of their

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