In 1965, “Project Head Start” was launched as an 8 week program serving 561,000 children. Since then, the Head Start program has served more than 27 million children and their families and has become one of the leaders in the field of early childhood education. In 1994, federal policymakers authorized the Early Head Start program to address the needs of children under age 3 and pregnant women. ("Head Start - TN.Gov", 2017) This early education program would respond to Freud’s psychoanalytic theories of child development by focuses on the mental development of the child, or ego stages. HeadStart would notice the immaturity of the economically stressed out child due to uneducated parents. HeadStart makes sure the child is given proper medical and dental care and referrals to social service providers in preparation for the child to attend school. Theorist Erik Erikson’s psychoanalytic approach, would focus on the role of identity. HeadStart, aids in helping the child overcome early setbacks in life that the child has no control over such as economic depression giving the child a place to begin to develop an identity not focused on such setbacks. Providing the child with quality physical care, and mental services the child is now on a more level developmental stage as the other children. Also, HeadStart provides the child with early education three days a week, thus helping the child developed his own sense of self or ego. Within the three day a week early education, Headstart encourages make-believe play as Vygotsky recommended for early educational development, in as much as, giving the hands on experience for the child. The three day program, accommodates Theorist Piaget’s cognitive development theory by providing pretend play, and consistency, teaching them to think logically. HeadStart works
In 1965, “Project Head Start” was launched as an 8 week program serving 561,000 children. Since then, the Head Start program has served more than 27 million children and their families and has become one of the leaders in the field of early childhood education. In 1994, federal policymakers authorized the Early Head Start program to address the needs of children under age 3 and pregnant women. ("Head Start - TN.Gov", 2017) This early education program would respond to Freud’s psychoanalytic theories of child development by focuses on the mental development of the child, or ego stages. HeadStart would notice the immaturity of the economically stressed out child due to uneducated parents. HeadStart makes sure the child is given proper medical and dental care and referrals to social service providers in preparation for the child to attend school. Theorist Erik Erikson’s psychoanalytic approach, would focus on the role of identity. HeadStart, aids in helping the child overcome early setbacks in life that the child has no control over such as economic depression giving the child a place to begin to develop an identity not focused on such setbacks. Providing the child with quality physical care, and mental services the child is now on a more level developmental stage as the other children. Also, HeadStart provides the child with early education three days a week, thus helping the child developed his own sense of self or ego. Within the three day a week early education, Headstart encourages make-believe play as Vygotsky recommended for early educational development, in as much as, giving the hands on experience for the child. The three day program, accommodates Theorist Piaget’s cognitive development theory by providing pretend play, and consistency, teaching them to think logically. HeadStart works